Back to School...Great

Start from the beginning

[Phoenix just smirks at the crowd and titlted her head slightly and sat back down as Dumbledore continued with the announcing how dangerous Dementors are.]

[Students exit the great hall, scale the Narble staircase. Harry,  Ron and Hermione arrive at the seventh floor and approach the fat lady potrait while discussing about Phoenix Rosecharm]

Harry : Fortuna Major

[Gryffindor trail through the common room, Girls head one way and Boys head towards tge other. The scene cuts to the boys eating magical candy]

Dean : Oh green. That's monkey.

Some kid excitedly mururmed "ooh I love those candy"

[Seamus eats it, making perfect monkey sounds and acting like one]

Ron : Neville try an elephant (Neville eats it, he begins trumpeting like an elephant)

Neville : Ron, Catch ( Ron eats it and roars like a lion as he looked towards Harry)

Ron : Oh no don't eat that one (too late Harry eats and steams billowing from his ears and her face scrunching up )

Seamus : look at his face!

[The camera pulls out,  showing the boys from outside the window. A pillow fight starts. The camera pulls away, until it shows the castle surrounded by Dementors]

"of course, we go to the scary part right after a happy scene" Some adult (never gonna say who)  shaked their head

[And slowly the camera tilts and follows a Dementor which goes towards the Astronomy tower, it shows someone leaning on the rails as it nears it Phoenix with a straight,  the camera change its angle as the Dementor and Phoenix look at each other then the Dementor just turns away and leaves as moved to show Phoenix face as a sad frown graces her face]

Many adults and Seventh year (especially Ravenclaws) gasped Jacob (Phoenix's father)  and Emily (Phoenix 's mother) Rosecharm looked at their daughter in concern even her Aunt looked at her, with a straight face but if you look closely there is a glint in her eyes.

James was confused as his parents looked at Phoenix worriedly "What's going on?  Isn't the Dementor going away a good thing?" his mother tried explaining in a soft way as possible as even Phoenix looked confused "James, Dementors feed on your happiness and leave you with your worst memories if a Dementor moved away from you willingly that means that person is not happy and I don't mean at the moment,  I mean there isn't a single thing in this world that could make the person Happy ever again" James was shocked along with Phoenix's friends and Damon and of Course the Fk's

Many in the great hall looked at her in pity, Phoenix who had a straight face during the explanation was now annoyed at the pity looks she was receiving from people she didn't even talk to "Okay, Sad story completed. Now take your pity looks towards the screen" Phoenix glared at everybody while saying the last part so naturally everyone turned towards the screen

Remus : I knew I'd find you here ( as he made it to the tower)

Phoenix : Looks like you owe me Ten galleons ( as she smiles towards him) I told you, you were professor material

Phoenix opened her palm towards Remus as he gave her ten galleons with a fond smile

Remus : After 12 years of you isolating yourself thats your first sentence towards your best friend

Phoenix : What did you expect, heart warming hug and tearful welcomes (with now a cheeky smile)

Remus : Something along the lines (As he opens his arms wide which Phoenix gladly accepts and throws her arms around him and hugs him tightly and he returns the geture then the creen turned black)

As the screen turned black Phoenix suddenly looked uncomfortable as she turned towards Hermione and asked "Umm can we have a short break? Along with where are the restrooms" Hermione took out a paper from her pocket pointed towards a door that was never really there before "That one" Phoenix nodded and went towards Lily, Marlene, Alice and pulled them with her to the washroom after a few moments of the girls in the washroom Alice came out and went towards Hermione and whisperred something in her ear, all of them were curious but they were in their own conversation to ask what happened but many girls looked like they know

Hermione looked at the paper in her hands and whisperred back to Alice and Alice went back to the washroom after a few moments Phoenix, Alice, Marlene and Lily entered the Great Hall as Phoenix looked like she was in pain or was she uncomfortable. Damon took the pillow from his side and placed it near Phoenix which Phoenix took immediately as soon as she sat down and clutched it tightly as she looked towards Hermione and said "Start" in the saddest and cutest voice ever , Damon almost 'awwed' but he would never admit that

Author's Note
I don't know if I said it before but Damon is one year older than Phoenix (not really)  it will be explained in the further chapters thoroughly anyway I am so excited for this story to continue I have so many things planned out that I don't think you guys are ready for and I don't know if I should do sixth year as Phoenix wouldn't be in it for the most part. Besides the point please vote and comment  I need your opinion and support to continue the story.

Sirius : You know this was the first long chapter you have ever written

Me : I know, I'm so proud of myself

Regulas :  Not prouder than Sirius is of his hair...

Sirius :  hey!  You are a black too

Regulas :  that doesn't mean anything

Sirius : It means everything

Me : *looks towards the other side where Phoenix and Maya are bickering and sighs* Siblings are gonna be the death of me

All four of them : WE HEARD THAT!!

2112 words

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