
It was the end of the concert and Eddie were pretty sad about it. But Djo wanted to sign autographs and see his fans before leaving so Robin took with her the albums. The vigils were making sure no one were crossing the fence or went to far if you know what I mean. But nothing happened. Djo were getting closer and closer to them, and Robin actually gave Eddie an album, like that she would get the two albums signed by him. Of course he said yes, having the chance to get an interaction with Djo was making him so happy. Then he was right here, signing Robin's album first. Eddie could feel his cheeks burning, his hands were lightly shaking making Eddie's anxiety grew more. Then, he was in front of him, they lock eyes and Djo smiles at him. Eddie smile back and Djo start speaking, wait what?
'Hey' Eddie chocked on his words at first, making Djo chuckle a bit.
'H-Hey, um, you were formidable on stage earlier' He looks at his shoes, he knew that his whole face were now red. 'Thanks, what's your name?' Eds look back at him.
'I'm Eddie, Eddie Munson' 'Cool name, I'm Steve Harrington' he gives Steve the album and their fingers brushed. He signed the album but took a bit longer that he did with Robin. But a vigil interrupted him. 'Djo, you don't have that much time hurry up'
Still signing he respond 'Yeah I know gimme a sec'' he gives the album back at him and smile before going to see the other fans.
He turns to look at Robin who's mouth were forming an '0'. She was shocked more than he was.
When he look at what Steve have wrote he can read next to the signature. 'Cute outfit, 8pm lovers lake tmw:)' he look back at Robin, he didn't knew what to say, so he just laughed.


The next day he couldn't think of something else than the appointment with Steve. Fuck can he even call him Steve? His stage name his Djo, how do he have to call him? The whole day was anxious above all when it was 7pm. He look at the outfits on his bed just like a teenager who has their first date, even though it wasn't a date. But it just felt like a date the way he tried the outfits.
Should he wear something casual for him, of something soft like the concert or the real him? So much thought filled his mind, so what did he do to cope a bit? He smoked and right now he was at his third cigarette. Finally he chose the casual outfit, not wanting to be too much. It was composed by a baggy blue short with some pins at the pockets with a black deftones shirt with a skull on it who were a bit oversized too. He put his hair into a ponytail and but on some accessories too just like last time. He was finally ready for the appointment. But he needed to relax, so he made himself a joint and smoke it during the way to the lovers lake. But it was good shit, so the effects quickly kicked in. Then he was there at 8:01pm. He stop his car and light off the joint, he smelled a bit like weed but he was high enough to not care. Steve wasn't here yet so he sat on a tree trunk for five minutes before he hear steps behind him. 'Hey' Eddie looks behind him and see Steve. 'Hey' he smiles back. 'Sorry I'm late, transport and shit' Steve sit next to him, but didn't stop looking at the metalhead. 'That's okay, I don't mind' Eds turn his head to look at Steve. 'So, why did you wanted me here?' His smile didn't left his face, just like Steve.
'Don't know, you just looked cool'
Eddie chuckle after remembering what he has written. 'Thanks for the compliment by the way' Steve look at his hands and chuckle too.
'No problem, still looks good' Eds grew a blush and hide it with his hand while laughing praying Steve wouldn't think he was a creep for blushing at that. 'Look pretty too' He replied at him. Steve was wearing a green stripped shirt tucked in a black jean and a brown belt. He brush his hair with his fingers and lick his lips to chuckle after. 'Who was with you during the concert?' 'Oh, it's my best friend Robin she's a big fan of you' Steve eyes were lost in Eddie's. 'And you?' 'She made me discover you're songs two or three weeks earlier honestly so I'm not like a groupie or a big fan actually but fuck it's so good' Eds could swear he saw a blush. 'Glad you like it' He respond. They continued to like it until the sun were no where to be seen and it was middle July. Steve was glad to have a knew friend and so was Eddie. They exchange phone numbers and they go home. After five minutes of ride, Eddie's excitement takes control on his whole body. He felt like electricity running trough his entire spine, his hands where hitting the wheel and his legs were bouncing up and down. The whole way home he was like bouncing his legs and hands 'till he got home. He wasn't high anymore and when he was home he run to his bedroom and just screams. Luckily his uncle weren't here yet. He couldn't stop jumping around and when he calmed down a bit he got changed and went to bed no long after.

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