A full diary of lies - chapter 3

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three - The return

Ivy stood by the dumpster . Two boots , with the hem of a pair of jeans could be seen . Ivy wiped the surface of her red lips and the red liquid smeared onto her black skivvy . " Ivy ? " Adam preached behind her . " Adam ? " She laughed . The leg moved . " I saved you some ! " Ivy tuted . Putting her middle finger on her lips . " Ha ha very funny . " Adam said. Before disappearing again . And his shadow shot up the wall as he flew away . Ivy rolled her brown eyes . " Show off ! " She yelled . Before kicking the weak person . She struted around the corner of the ally and finds herself in another part of the ally where she changes into a black and red cocktail dress . And heels . High black heels . She let her hair fall down to her elbows in messy curls done with a iron . A wild smirk rode her face as she kicked her clothes away like yesterdays trash .

Issy tossed and turned in her bed , her face twisted and turned . Then she sat up in her bed . A girl in a black party dress with red going up the chest was partying with a guy . She hand her hands above her head and her long wavy or curled hair swung about. The music died down and the girl pushed her hair back . Issy looked around . She was in a nightclub . The flashing lights blinked . Issy wore boy shorts and a crop top . Her PJs . Ivy it was Ivy . Ivy was looking down at the high shoes she wore when she looked up again a distrout Issy was in her face . " Ah .... " Issy stumbled . Ivy was frozen . Issy was startled . Ivy ran away and mixed in with the crowd .

" Ivy ? " Issy found Ivy by the food . Ivy scratched the top of her check . " How ... That damn witch ! " Ivy sneered . Taking Issy back . " What ? " Issy asked confused over the music . Ivy hissed and growled . And Issy twisted and turned into a black crow . It swooped at her . " That witch ! " Ivy knew it . Ivy broke the crows neck and skipped away . A wild smirk plastered on her face .

Issy got of her bed , did she just turn into a crow and attack her sister. Issy asked herself . She picked up a orange dress and black belt and put on her white socks and brown boots . She left her hair alone after brushing it.

Ivy looked around her home town . She bit back her tears . She laughed at herself and put on her leather jacket . " Helo Issy did you get the diary ? " Ivy said . Ivy twirled her hair around her finger . " Yes and the locket ! " Issy finally said . Ivy almost fist pumped . " Good ! "

" Who are you ? " Issy said . Ivy sighed . A sigh escaped her mouth . " Issy ! " She stopped disguising her voice . " Ivy ? " Issy gasped . Dropped her keys . " Issy just stay where you are Ill explain ! "

Ivy hung up the phone and pulled up to her hotel . She got out of her car and walked to her room . She quickly changed into a black lace silent a light blue top and a pair of black skinny jeans she left her heels on .

A flash later she was sitting on the doorstep of her old house . Her young sister kicking about inside . Ivy sat there in her glasses and different clothes . Waiting for Issy to open the door .

Issy picked up her clothes and put them im a pile . She had just talked to Ivy . Should she tell ? Or should she keep her trap shut . She didn't know . She made up her bed . A feeling washed over her ... Her sister is alive and sounds well .... The feeling was relief ... Issy felt great as she vacuums the room .

Tom opened the gate and walked up the stone path . His blue eyes set on his game space jump . He wasn't the best if you catch the drift. " Woe ! " Tom said . To his runaway sister . Not seeing the picture . " Jerk ! " Ivy muttered .

" Um Issy can we please talk in private ! " Ivy asked . Issy looked at the girl before her . She was beautiful . With long , silky looking brown hair that sat perfect in soft curls , then there's her perfect pale flawless skin with not a spot and then her sense in stye . Ivy had it all . " Yeah sure ! "

" Ivy ! " Issy whispers in disbelief . Her sister was paler , Issy was confused . " You said you were going to explain ? " Issy said . " Well... " Issy added . As Ivy sat on her bed . " There's no easy way to Say this Issy...." Ivy was lost for words . " Issy I ... I - I got mixed up with the wrong people and when I I got away it was to late ... I was a a a ... " Ivy dropped the bomb shell .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2013 ⏰

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