'' The Mission ''

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(The next morning)
I wake up and go downstairs to meet with the others. Everyone was in pairs of 2. Jeff the Killer was with Ben Drowned, Clockwork was with Nina the Killer and others like that. As I go to see who my partner was for the day I feel a cold hand touch my shoulder. In self defense I quickly turn around and almost hit whoever was behind me. "What..the..FUCK!?" It was Eyeless Jack, he seemed very upset. I quickly apologized and tried to get him to forgive me, "J-Jack! I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was you- it was self defense-" he quickly shuts me up and says "Just shut it. Let's just finish the stupid job already." He grabs my arms and drags me outside the mansion to go and start the job. As I'm getting dragged outside everyone and their partner was staring and me shocked.
(A few hours later, the mission was done and both me and Jack were heading back to the mansion)
"....So..about earlier-" I try talking but Jack interrupts me..again. "It's okay. I frightened you and it was self defense. No need to apologize." Jack said, I stayed quiet for a bit then went on to say "Y'know...there's this really cool spot in the forest I go to..usually just to relax" I look over to Jack. His dark blue mask facing towards me, he stops walking still staring at me. We both pause and stay silent. "Well?" Jack says, being confused I say "Well what?" Jack gets annoyed and grabs my arm, "Show me the damn spot what else Einstein."       (Welp. I know one thing for sure, he really is a douche bag)        "RIGHT!" I start running to the spot because it was getting dark outside, Jack was still holding onto my arm... it looked like he wouldn't let go anytime soon. As we head to my little forest spot I hear something moving in the trees. As I turn around trying to figure out who..or what, is in the tree.
It was—

(Sorry it's taking so damn long I keep getting distracted)

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