Chapter 2: Beauty and the Beast

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        In the kingdom of Silla, there was a girl named Hye Jin. Hye Jin was incredibly intelligent and able to read. In her spare time, she worked as a book reader to noble women and yangban. Hye Jin was also a good writer, reader, bargainer, and debater.

       However, there was another thing that Hye Jin was renowned for. Hye Jin had indescribable beauty that many men wanted her to be his wife. Hye Jin had long, hazelnut hair always braided back, and she had shining amber eyes with pale peach skin and full red lips. Hye Jin would not comply though, she would not be sold as a trinket to a man.

      One day, her father, a famous trader, told her that he would be going to Baekjae for a couple of months. However, what her father didn't tell her was that he had sold her to a man. This man was handsome yet sadistic, loving to see others in pain.

     The first day he was gone, Hye Jin finished cleaning the house, dressed in a pale red jeogori and a pale green chima and prepared to go to the bookstore. Hye Jin had already made the next sequel to her books and had to take them to the market. Besides, Hye Jin needed some ink and some brushes for her brushes kept disappearing. Hye Jin's friend, Ri Na accompanied her. Ri Na had long, chestnut brown hair with slightly tan skin and a hospitable smile.

     "I can't believe my friend is such an accomplished writer!" Ri Na exclaimed with joy lighting up on her face. Hye Jin laughed, Ri Na always made her laugh in the most wholesome of ways.

     "You possess far more talent than I," Hye Jin declared while Ri Na laughed. Unlike Ri Na's delicately sculpted face, her laugh rumbled like a rainstorm. Ri Na was talented at drawing and landscaping, capturing the picturesque beauty of many living things. Many yangban ladies wanted their portraits done by her, one of the most talented artists in Silla.

     As Hye Jin opened the bookstore door, gave the owner her books, and received her money, she went out to see that Ri Na was gone! Instead, in her place, a tall man stood. Hye Jin let out a gasp, this man was labeled the "Tiger of Korea". Having a dangerous and hot-blooded temper, his actions spoke louder than his appearance. Hye Jin sighed, her father had told her before he left that he would find her a husband she would never be able to escape from.

     "Excuse me? Sunbae, you are blocking the way," Hye Jin declared as she tried to push her way through him. However, the man stayed still like a statue.

     "Can you hear me?" Hye Jin heard herself ask as she waved her hand before the man's face.

     "I am Ho Su, and you are to be my bride," The man declared. Hye Jin felt a blow to her chest, she felt the pain consuming her. She did not want to be a bride to a man she did not love. However, a plan suddenly struck through Hye Jin. However, this plan would require Hye Jin to pretend to be helpless.

     "But sir, I have a life," Hye Jin said as she twirled her long waves through her slender fingers. Ho Su's eyes focused on her fingers. And in an instant, she slipped her cash through another pocket while his eyes were on her other hand.

     "Women should not lead lives, men should lead it for them," Ho Su declared. Hye Jin felt a surge of rage through her soul, she thought about what a misogynistic pig he was! However, she forced herself to continue the illusion of being frightened and helpless. That way, Ho Su would suspect her less of escaping from him.

     "Very well, sir," Hye Jin said. Hye Jin's long fingers touched her jade bracelet resting on her slender wrist. The jade bracelet jingled, for it was a size too big for her delicate wrist. The jade reminded her of green tea, soothing and gentle.

     With a flickering of a cruel laugh, Ho Su couldn't help but think this was too easy. Ho Su thought that the women in this village must be stupid for rumor spread through Korea that a dim girl such as Hye Jin was one of the brightest girls in Korea.

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