With or Without You

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The sky let out a few drops of water, warning the party goers that it was about to storm. They all started to head inside or to their cars, evacuating the lawn. It was nice to think that we were going to be alone for this. 

"I don't know!" Eddie yelled. He turned around and started to walk the opposite way then turned back to look at me, running his hands through his curls. At that moment, I could see his knuckles were bruised and cut up from slamming them into Steve's face. 

"What do you mean you don't know?" My shoulders shrunk as I looked at him in worry. 

"I mean I don't know!" Eddie was stressed out as he stared at me with a look I couldn't read. The rain started to come down harder as we stood there in front of one another, not bothered by getting soaked. 

"You don't know about what? If I have feelings for you or if I would kiss Steve back?" My emotions were mixing together at this point. The lack of alcohol allowed my pain to resurface, trying to distract me and tell me to leave the fight, but I didn't listen to it. 

"I don't know." The wind carried over his whisper and I almost died from hearing those words. My eyes swelled up with tears as I looked over at him. 

"You don't know?" 

"Fuck, (Y/N)." Eddie kicked a beer bottle across the street as he turned the other way, walking away once more. 

"I don't understand what's going on. You're mad at me for Steve's actions? I pushed him away the second he kissed me." I informed Eddie of the real situation. "I should be the one pissed at you." I was yelling again as the rain poured down on us, mixing with my tears. 

"What?" Eddie turned to me. The small amount of light from the street lamp allowed me to catch a glimpse of his red eyes. 

"Who is she, anyways?" I asked as I crossed my arms across my chest. My body language showed Eddie that I was now pulling myself away to try and protect my feelings. What made things worse was when Eddie gave me a sad look, already telling me that I was about to be hurt. 

"Eddie, who is she?" I repeated my words as I cried harder. Eddie's eyes turned towards the sidewalk as he shoved his hands into his jeans. My heart broke and it felt as if all the oxygen left my body. 

"She's nobody." Eddie finally spoke. You could see his breath from the cold air that surrounded us. I didn't even think about how I could catch a cold from standing out in the freezing rain. My body was warm enough from all of the events happening in a short amount of time. 

"Eddie." My voice sounded pathetic as I begged for him to tell me who she was. I had to know, to shut up the different scenarios in my head. 

"Her name is Marley." Eddie stated as if it was enough information. 

"Who is Marley?" I pressed. My heart was racing as I waited for the answer. Eddie looked like he wanted to run away, contemplating if he should really tell me. 

"She's nobody." Eddie repeated himself. "Just let it go."

"No. Fuck you, Eddie, I'm not letting it go. Tell me who the fuck Marley is." I stood my ground as I gave him the nastiest look I could. I hated being like this, at least towards Eddie, but he wasn't being fair with this fight at all. 

"She's my ex, alright?" Eddie admitted, acting like it wasn't a big deal. A menacing laugh escaped my chest and I threw my head back as I placed my hand on my chest. "(Y/N)."

"What?" I laughed, looking over at him with a smile. His face was even more hurt with a slight mix of confusion. 

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because it's funny!" I tilted my head as I placed my hands onto my hips, staring at him with a funny rage hidden behind my pupils. 

"It's not-"

"But it is." I cut him off. "You've been sneaking away to the city to go see your ex-girlfriend while I'm here in town missing you." I smiled. Then, my smile was gone as I continued, "you left me here crying, thinking you were dead! You left me here when I needed you the most!" I was now yelling and stepping closer to him. Eddie stood there in shock as he listened to my angry rant. "You don't even think of me when you're with her!"

"Darling, you know that isn't true."

"But it is! You never called me that day the whole town thought you were dead, no instead you were doing God-knows-what with that skank. Then, oh god, then you went back to her in the city when I had just gotten out of the hospital. When she hung up on me, you didn't even call back!" I was punching his chest in anger and hurt. Eddie allowed it and never stopped me as he cried with me, just looking at me with those sad eyes.

"I was excited to be with you on Halloween, but instead you were trying to spend it with her! With another girl you used to be with." Now I was sobbing. I let him have my heart and now he's just crushing it. 


"Don't call me that." I hissed. I backed up away from him as he reached out for me. I shook my head and watched him drop his arms loosely to his sides. I gave him one last look before turning and walking away, walking against the cold wind that blew all of the water into my face. 

"(Y/N), stop!" Eddie called out. I ignored him and kept walking, back to the party to let them know I had left. Suddenly, I'm being twisted around to face him. 

"Leave me alone." I growled at him, but he didn't. He kept a tight grip onto my arm as we stood in the middle of the empty street. 

"No." I looked at Eddie with a shocked expression. "I'm not letting you walk away from this, from us."

"Eddie," I allowed the tears to roll down, "I think you're the one giving up on us, not me." 

I yanked my arm from his loosened grip and walked into the house.


Author's Note

Woah...man, I didn't think it would be that emotional. I didn't want to write anything sad, but my fingers kept typing and I didn't stop them from making the scene. 

So, after getting up at 4am and driving to work, it turns out I don't actually work today which means more chapters!! 

I wonder what's going to happen to (Y/N) and Eddie :(( 

How do you feel after finding out who Eddie's been around in the city? Do you think he's in the wrong after getting mad at (Y/N)?

Sending rain-soaked hugs from Stacy's party <3

- E

Falling for The Freak (Eddie Munson)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang