Chapter two : alone together

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Patrick's point of view

Oh my god Pete's towel just fell off and I'm sitting here gawking at him. I've never really realized how beautiful he is. His features are so toned and he's so ,so, pete . Wait what are on his legs they look like scratches.. OMG there cuts .Holy smokes he cuts their all over his legs .

He's caught me staring at then and grabs the towel .

"Pete what are those?!?"

" It's ok Patrick I'm fine I'm just a little lost that's all ..."

"Pete I know what they are but what I don't know is ....why, why do you do this to yourself ."

"Patrick it's a long time and a hard habit I don't know if I can stop ."

"Pete I love you and you don't need to do this to yourself ."

Pete stood there in awe . Did I just say that to him . I became an emotional mess not knowing whether to cry or be mad at him for this .

I love pete as a friend but I never thought of it that way as in I might be gay , or bi but I always knew that I wasn't straight either .

Pete and I talked about it and we agreed to let me help him quit cutting.

That night pete woke me up by the sound of him crying and almost screaming in terror .

He was huddled in the corner rocking back and forth and I thought he was having a nervous breakdown .

This was not pete . Pete didn't have breakdowns like this ever and indent know what to do .

So I said " Pete what's wring I need to know please talk to me!" I said whimpering at the sight of him .

Pete said "Patrick I had a horrible thought come into my head that I killed myself and left you with no one to love ever again."

I was shocked to hear him say that . Love was a strong word to use sure I loved pete as a friend but did I love him more than that I don't know ....

I'm so sorry this chapter was short but I'm running it of ideas please like and comment and like please I need to know if I did a good job thanks love



Pete will eventually have help in the end I love you guys but I need to know If I'm a good writer

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