3. It's The End Of The World As We Know It

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"So, I've had a realization recently," I said. "What, that you're not pregnant?" Steve joked. Wow. Robin shot him a look, then gestured to me to continue. "I..." I cleared my throat awkwardly. Robin held my hand in hers and squeezed it supportively. "It's okay, Nance," Steve said worriedly. You don't have to be scared. You can tell me anything." "I know... but not this," I sighed. Robin mouths something to me, but I'm too in my head to read lips. "I like women. I like men AND women," I said quickly. Steve was silent; he just sat and blinked. Oh god, what have I done. I knew I shouldn't have told him... maybe this is all a big mistake? Suddenly, a huge smile appeared on Steve's face. "That makes three for liking women!" he laughs, sticking out his hand for a high five. What- "Dude," Robin snapped. "Sorry," he said quietly, pulling his hand back. He clears his throat before giving a legitimate response. "That's great, Nance. Seriously. I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to tell me this." Thank god. "I love you no matter what. On the even brighter side," he said, "I can help you get girls!" Wait until he realizes. "Well, fortunately for you," I said, grabbing Robin's hand again. "That won't be a problem." His eyes darted between us once or twice before they went wide. "Really? Wow, you guys took opposites attract literally, huh?" He laughed. "Yep," I said. "We're dating," I said, shaking my hands. I looked over at Robin, and she looked... confused? She tipped her head slightly and gave me a puzzled look. "What?" I asked. "We're dating?" she said quietly. Oh, I probably should've asked first. "If that's what you want," I said. "Oh I do, I do," she laughed. Thank god. "Well," Steve said, standing up. "May I leave now, your majesties? I'm covering your shift, after all," he winked at Robin.   I rolled my eyes, then waved him off. He took off out the door, and we watched him pull out of the driveway.


Nancy chuckled slightly before turning to me.  "God, that was both great and a disaster," she laughed. I nod slightly before placing my hands on my knees and standing up, offering my hand to her. "Well my lady, what now?" "I don't know, dork," she laughed. "I bet Johnathan is gonna get a kick out of this," I said. When I said that, I saw Nancy tense up. She straightened her posture before scratching the back of her neck. "Yeah, about that... me and Johnathan never," she started, "OFFICIALLY broke up." Oh. Well that's probably gonna be an issue. "Oh... have you come out to him yet?" I asked. She frowned before shaking her head no. "Do you... want to?" I said slowly. She shrugged, then placed her head on my shoulder. "I don't know... I can't just leave him up in the air though. I REALLY don't want to, but I might have to," Nancy said. "I know Nance, this is tough. I'll be here to help you, just like I was with Steve," I assured her. We sat back down on the couch before the front door opened once more. "Robin, you're back!" my dad called from the door, groceries in hand. "Hey dad!" I smiled. "This is my friend, Nancy," I said, gesturing to Nancy. "Howdy," he said, tipping his invisible cowboy hat. Nancy chuckled before responding, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Buckley." "Please, call me Rick," he said, closing the door with his foot and walking to the kitchen. "You're dad's funny," Nancy smiled. "What he is," I said, raising my voice, "is a nerd!" I heard my dad laugh from the kitchen as he put away groceries.

Nancy looked down at her watch before gasping. "Crap, I gotta go!" she said quickly, scooping up her things from the floor. "Oh okay," I said sadly. "Drive safe!" She started towards the door, but ran back, a placed a kiss on my cheek before leaving once again. I placed my hand over the spot where she kissed me and smiled. Wow. I can't believe I'm dating Nancy Wheeler, the priss herself. "Who was that," my dad said, leaning against the kitchen doorway. "Christ dad, you scared the shit out of me!" I yelped. He snorted, then raised an eyebrow. "Well?" Oh god, I never came out to him... well, better late than never I guess. I know he's not homophobic... at least I'm pretty sure. "Nancy, it's Mike's sister," I started. "We're..." "Dating?" he interrupted. What was that tone? Agh, shits already gone to shit. I can't lie though, he watched her kiss me! What do I say... "Yeah," I said casually, even though I was panicking on the inside. He sniffled slightly before straightening up. "Cool, good for you," and then he retreated back into the kitchen. So, that's it? He's not mad, or anything? I mean, I guess it could've gone worse...


I'm mindlessly doodling in my sketchbook when I hear the phone ring from the other room. I was feeling too lazy to answer it, so I waited until it went silent. After a few seconds, my dad poked his head through my door before saying, "It's for you." I sighed, then got up from my desk and went to the phone. "Hello?" "Hey Robs, it's Nancy" "Hey Nance, what's up?" "We're having everyone over for dinner since the Byers' are visiting, you wanna come?" "Of course, I'll be there in ten." I hung up the phone before running back to my room and throwing open my closet door. Ain't NO WAY I'm showing up to a dinner party at the Wheeler's house in Nancy's clothes. I dug through my closet for a good five minutes for deciding on my favorite outfit: My high-rise jeans and my rabbit button-up. I quickly threw on the outfit and transferred Nancy's clothes into a bag before whisking out of my room. "Hey dad, the Byers' are back in town, is it okay if I go visit?" I called out. He responded with a loud "Yeah, don't die!" and I was out the door.


Okay... I think this should be good. I just don't want to hurt him, but it's for the best. I still don't know if I'm ready to come out yet. I looked over at the clock on my wall; 6:00. It's been ten minutes..."Nancy, come help set the table!" my mom called from downstairs. "Be there in a sec!" I called, quickly folding up the paper. Oh god, I'm so scared. We've been drifting apart lately and I know he feels it too, so hopefully it'll be mutual. I had just written down all the things I was going to say to Johnathan when he gets here. I shoved the paper into my pocket before walking down stairs and grabbing plates from the counter. "Thanks hun," my mom said. I quickly set down 4plates at the dining room table, 5 at the fold out table, and left 4 on the living room table for the others. I swooped back into the kitchen and anxiously checked my watch. Two minutes late... what if something happened? Maybe I should go check on her? No, she's just late because she's walking. Shit, I should've picked her up. I was pulled from my anxious worrying when the sound of voices floated through the house. The entire Byers (including Hopper) family entered, with Steve, Lucas, Max, and Dustin trailing behind. Where is she? "Hey Nance, long time no see!" Johnathan greeted, pulling me in for a hug. "Hey Johnathan," I smiled. Johnathan pulled away, then went to go mingle with the others. Max came up next, wrapping me into a hug. Woah, Max the cool kid, hugging me? "Hey Max," I laughed, hugging her back. When she left to go talk to Lucas, I checked my watch again. It's been almost twenty minutes... where is she? I groaned, then made my way through the house looking for Steve, dodging around people. "Steve," I breathed. He turned around, and raised an eyebrow. "... yeah?" "Where's Robin?" I asked hurriedly. He shrugged, then turned back around to continue talking to Dustin. I finally gave up, and plopped back onto the couch. I guess she's not coming. I looked down at my watch and sighed, then unclipped it from my wrist and placed it gently on the table, placing my head in my hands. And then, everything went dark.

Corny ending, I know.
I did it on purpose :)
Next chapter coming soon (within the next day!!)

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