"Yeah,be a great time to make some more." Scanlan groans out. Pike tries.

"I can't."


"I said I can't!" She snaps at Vax. The torch in Jarrett's hand goes out. Vax runs to help but gets lifted by a wraith. Vex goes to help,but get chased by another one. Isona stands and runs forward, she gets pushed back and pinned to the ground. She holds it back with the ax in her hands,the wraith pushes against it,shrieking in her face. She turns to see Keyleth hiding under the table.

"Keyleth,it's time. Prove yourself." Percy strains out.

"Prove that you're worthy." Isona strangles out. The wraith pinning her down pushes the ax down more,it snaps it jaws,just missing her nose. With a yell of determination,Keyleth stands with a ball of sunlight in her hands. The wraiths let out ear piercing shrieks and try to escape the room. The wraith holding her down yells,and lets her go.

"Now!" Vex yells out. Isona swings the ax up,hitting the wraith under its jaw,sending it flying up. She hits it back down with a hit on top of its head,then hits it on the side of the head,sending it against a wall. She lets out a yell as she repeatedly hits it in the head,making the head a gooey mess. The light in Keyleth's hands goes out as she falls to the ground. Isona pants and drops the ax,the wraiths they all killed disappearing into the air. Vax,clutching his side,walks up behind her and puts his hand on her shoulder.

"You alright?" He asks. She lets out an exhausted sigh,and nods.

"Where did those foul things come from?" Jarrett asks them.

"We told you. The Briarwoods." Keyleth says tiredly. Percy helps her stand.

"And they'll no doubt send more. We can't stay." He says. Jarrett lets out a grunt and turns to them. They stare back. 

"Don't make us fight you,too." Isona says to him. Jarrett looks at each of them.

"You intend to stop those that did this to my men?" He asks them.

"You have my word." Percy promises him. Jarrett sheathes his sword,and opens the door behind him. "Then go. Give them hell. And wish me luck trying to explain this." He tells them as the group leaves. The group cleans themselves up. Isona goes to her and Vax shared room,grabs a small pack and packs it with some essential items. She meets with the rest of the group,and they see Percy about to leave.

"No goodbye?" Vex says,stopping him from opening the door. 

"I'm going to Whitestone." 

"And so are we." Keyleth says.

"Yeah,look,I even packed a bag!" Isona says with a toothy grin. The group gives her a look,she clears her throat and looks away. Keyleth continues.

"If we beat Sylas,his charm in Uriel will fade."

"And we can clear our names. Honestly,I wouldn't last a day in prison with this face. Look at me,I'm a snack." Scanlan says.

"We're all with you,but,no more secrets,okay?" Vex says,walking to Percy and pokes him in the chest.

"Understood. Thank you. All of you." Percy says. He looks at them gratefully,they all smile at him in return. They walk out the keep and see Trinket standing with Jarrett.

"Trinket. Hi,buddy." Vex says as she hugs the bear. He growls at them with a sad look,he knows that he has to stay behind.

"Oh,I know,darling. But you'll be safer here at the keep. We'll be back soon." She tells him and gives him one last hug. They walk past him,Isona scratches his head,he noses her hand,making her smile,she walks behind Scanlan as he reads Delilah's book.

"Told you guys this book was a big deal,not that anyone ever listens to me." He stops as Jarrett stands in front of him. "Eh,what do you want now?" Jarrett pulls out Scanlan's lute.

"Careful where you aim this." He tells him and hands it to him.

"See what I mean?" He asks Isona as she and Vax walk beside him. "A snack." They stand at the gate to the keep. Percy looks at them.

"Very well. To Whitestone." They walk forward,not noticing Pike is not following them.

"We should probably get supplies,yeah?"

"I could make a stop at Gilmore's."

"Not without me to negotiate."

"And me to make sure he doesn't snatch you away."

"I'm not going." They stop and turn to Pike with looks of shock.

"Wha-what do you mean?" Grog asks. Pike looks at her amulet.

"I can't hear the Everlight. It's like you said,Grog. I think I need to tell her sorry. Properly,at a temple." Grog walks to her and crouches in front of her.

"Well,I'll come with you. Like old times,just you and me." He tells her,Pike looks up at him.

"I have to do this alone,buddy. And they need you."

"Oh,but...what if I need you?" Pike lets out a sob and hugs Grog. Isona sniffles,Vax puts and arm around her.

"You can always talk to me. Even if I'm not around,you'll feel me with you." She tells the giant. After a moment,she pulls away and walks to Keyleth.

"You're their light now." Pike tells her. Keyleth nods and puts a hand and Grog. The group turns and walks away. Isona turns and gives Pike one last wave.  

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