But she was proven wrong when Karina kissed her. She wanted everyone to know who she was in someone's life and that's what Karina made her feel.

Something that Jinsoul failed in giving her.

Was Jinsoul not enough?


Or maybe it was Jungeun who lacked something.

"Hyejoo, what's with all the questions?" Junegun told her with a laugh that made Hyejoo smile, a small one. "I'm just curious about the situation that you three are in. I'm glad Chaewon and I never experienced something like yours."

"Yeah because yours so much worse." Jungeun joked and Hyejoo playfully shot her a glare which made both of them chuckle. "I hope Jinsoul's okay. I've been such a bad friend to her."

"Hyejoo, you're an emo bitch but I never expected you to be emotional about me fainting." The two of them jumped in total surprise when Jinsoul spoke from behind them and a doctor.

The other three who left Karina in her own world while Jiwoo and Sooyoung shared a sympathetic moment scooted a little closer to them while the doctor said something along the lines of Jinsoul being okay and the medicine she should drink.

However Jinsoul's focus was on something else. It was on Jungeun and how she was intently listening to every word the doctor just said. A smile on her lips curved.

"That's it and I hope miss Jinsoul won't be back here anytime soon." The doctor laughed at his own joke and everyone just stared at him, awkwardly. Figuring out if they should laugh with him or not.

The doctor hid his face in embarrassment. He was like a teenage girl and Jungeun laughed at it, a loud one and it was like a virus that spread across the entire hospital.

She couldn't get a hold of herself, she couldn't stop from laughing. All eyes landed on the pink haired figure but she couldn't care about it, she was laughing so hard yet truth be told, there was nothing really funny in an old man who acts like a teenage girl when he's embarrassed but somehow Jungeun wanted to find some comedic relief amidst all the chaos that's starting to circle her life.

Soon enough, Jiwoo joined in the giggling and so did Jinsoul, Hyejoo and Sooyoung. In her peripheral vision, Jungeun could see Karina walking away so she ran after her, making her laughter die down and the only ones laughing were the remaining three figures.

"Karina, wait, Karina!" The pink haired yelled as she ran for Karina trying to reach her and when she came closer, she grabbed the purplehead's wrist that made Karina stop from her tracks.

"What? I want to go home, Jungeun."

"We can stay at a hotel for the night, Rin-"

"I want to go home alone, Jungeun." In a stern voice, Karina spoke, her eyes locking with the hospital floor. The tone that Karina gave Jungeun made the pink haired stomach's drown in collywobbles.

"Karina, what's happening to you?"

"Let's talk when you don't seem to be so preoccupied with Jinsoul."

"Are you jealous?" Jungeun muttered in disbelief but trailed off with a laugh. "Karina, Jinsoul and I, there's nothing more to us now. Is it wrong for me to be concerned?"

The purplehead scoffed, "The way you look at her says otherwise, Jungeun. I know this moment would come in our lives where once you'll see each other again, you'll forget I was ever a part of your life."

Karina bit her lip, trying not to sob, trying not to look in Jungeun's pained eyes, "Let's just talk if you don't feel too pressured in coming home. Stay with Jiwoo for a while, I'm sure they still need you here."

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