Act I - 3.Jealousy

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A few months later
Chiara - Even if all these months have passed, I can't stand seeing then together. I hate that they seem to love each other more and more everyday
Martina - Do you intend to do sonething?
Chiara - The only thing that comes to my mind would be to ruin their relationship
Riccardo - Well let's do it!
Chiara - What are you thinking?
Riccardo - The only way to keep then apart forever is to kill them!
Riccardo and Martina laugh
Chiara - That wouldn't be a bad idea!
Martina - Are you kidding me?!
Chiara - You both know really well that i could do anything for jealousy
Riccardo - But there are other ways to split them apart: you're a weak spot for william so having him back won't be so difficult
Chiara - You're not wrong, I could try talking to him

Chiara *accidentally* bumps into William
Chiara - Long time no see Will, how are you doing?
Willaim - Oh hi I didn't see you. I'm all right
Chiara - Why don't you ask me how am i doing too?
William - Listen tell me what you want and leave me alone!
Chiara - I just wanted to tell you that after all the times that has passed we could be friends again
William - I don't want trouble in my life anymore. It's all over between us
Chiara - Ok I get it, I just wanted to make sure that you hadn't any resentment towards me
William - No resentment at all, but the time has come for us to part ways. Bye.
Chiara - All right

William meets up with Emily
William - I just talked with Chiara.
Emily - Really? What did she want?
William - Nothing much. She just wanted my attention.
Emily - And what did you tell her?
Willaim - That I don't want anything to do with her
Emily - I knew i could trust you Will

Emily is talking with her friends
Emily - Will told me that he met Chiara and she tried to get back with him
Andrea - She sucks!
Noemi - She can go fuck herself! What are you planning to do?
Emily - Nothing, I trust William
Noemi - mmmm... good
Andrea - We have to find a plan to keep them apart
Sofia - That's not necessary, it would be a psychopath move
Francesco - Right, knowing Will he surely would get mad...

Meanwhile at Chiara's house
Chiara - Nothing to do about it guys, William hasn't got the slightest intention of getting back with me!
Martina - Damn!
Riccardo - What do we do now?
Chiara - I gave him an opportunity but he didn't take it: we have to switch to plan B
Martina and Riccardo - Plan B? We have no plan B
Chiara - Are you sure?!
Martina and Riccardo (staring at her) - Are you serious?!
Chiara - I am indeed! It was him that said we have to part ways, well I know what will be his destination and the one of his beloved Emily
Martina - But what are you going to do? You never killed anyone!
Chiara - I have a friend that could help me!
Riccardo - I don't want to believe you
Martina - YOU'RE CRAZY
Riccardo and Martina run away

Lights turn off
Chiara - I have to get rid of someone...
??? - Who is it?
Chiara - They are two people
??? - Then the price will be higher
Chiara - I would give everything away to not see them together anymore
??? - I think I know who you're talking about, I'll do a clean work. There won't be any doubts on our innocence
Chiara - Good to hear.
??? - The price will be around 15.000 dollars
Chiara - Money isn't an issue, just don't leave any proof
??? - I am a man of my word

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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best play ever 100% really good 5 stars Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora