Five- Mess Me Up

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"Bye Pip!  Bye Ravi!" Cara said, waving happily.

Pip smiled at her friend and watched her go to Autumn's car.  Pip took Ravi's hand in hers and began walking to his car as well, until she came to a stop.

Her heart rate seemed to jump from beating normally to a mile an hour.  Her body began shake and her hands began to tremble.

"Pip?" Ravi asked, concern showing in his eyes.

Pip's anxiety was through the roof and she had no idea what brought it on.  She couldn't talk, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't think.  She had to get herself under control.

"Ravi, I'm scared." She said.

Ravi reached out her her shaking hands, "I can see that, but why?  Did you see something?"

Pip shook her head, "No, I didn't see anything.  I was fine just a second ago."

"Deep breaths, Sarge.  You're gonna be okay, you'll get through it." Ravi whispered.

It was at that moment that Pip knew she was having a panic attack.  Ravi knew it too.  He matched his slow breaths with hers, trying to get her to calm down.  Her heart still beat like crazy.  She couldn't get her thoughts to let up. 

Pip felt weak too.  Most of her panic attacks happened while she was sitting down, but this one was different, much different.  This one was brought on by nothing, and it was more intense.

"I need to sit down." Pip said, looking at the ground.  It felt miles away.

"Okay, there's a bench behind me, you're fine." Ravi pulled her along until she was seated on the bench.

She took more breaths.





She still felt nervous.  Pip squeezed Ravi's hands in her own, trying to get through something that she knew had an end, she just didn't know when it was.

Ravi answered her hand squeeze with words, "Tell me what you see."

Pip looked around the town, "streetlights, your car, a stop sign.." she rattled off.

To her surprise, she felt herself begin to calm down.  Her heart rate slowed, and with each breath she took, it was slower.

"See?  You're okay.  You're fine." Ravi said, trying yo smile.

When Pip didn't say anything, he added, "What brought that on?"

She looked at him, "I don't know.  Something at Fairview putting."

Ravi tensed, "Is it bad memories?  Is it hard for you to be here?"

Pip shook her head.  She didn't think it was that.  This was the feeling she had when she was being stalked.  She feeling of fear, but also wanting to unmask who it was.

"No, but it feels like my work isn't done here.  There's more Fairview wants me to uncover." Pip explained.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Sarge.  What if it reminds you of Jason or something?  You're finally doing better and I don't want you to mess that up." Ravi disagreed.

Pip looked around Fairview, "If I don't, this feeling will mess me up."

A/n: Thank you so much youfavlesbian for this idea!  I hope I did it justice!

I tried my best to portray a panic attack, I've only every had a few and they're always brief, also my symptoms are a little different than the average person's and I felt like Pip and I don't have the same kind of panic attacks so I hope I could write one that was still realistic.

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