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𝐖𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐘 𝐅𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐑 wakes up to the smell of sweet and savory waffles. as waverly starts to walk up she turns over and looks down to her phone, she smiles as she realizes that there's a text message from her close friend, marley buckley asking if she's made to cousins yet. she responds that she's there and is able to meet her at the beach later that day before the conklins get there.

waverly gets up, changes into a swimsuit and puts clothes over it and then heads downstairs.

"good morning wave! i made waffles and there's fruit on the table if you'd like." jere says walking  over to the kitchen.

"cool! thank you!" wave says thanking her brother then heading over to the table to put together her waffle.

conrad and susannah eventually make their way downstairs and sit down at the table to eat breakfast together and joins the conversation about this summer plans.

"so.. i was thinking i would head down to the beach with marley later today, if that works with you guys." wave adds to the conversation. susannah says its fine but to be back by lunchtime so she's there in time to greet the conklins when they get there.

the fishers family continues to eat their waffles and talk while making plans for this summer.


as wave makes her way down to the beach she starts to take in the view, the smell of the salty ocean water, the sounds of the waves crashing into each other and the sweet the laughter of families at the beach together.

wave finally reaches the end of the pathway to the beach and sees marley waving to her by the ocean. waverly quickly rushes over to marley and hugs her, "long time no see buckley", wave says laughing.

"yeah well its not like we called every night you weren't in cousins.." marley adds. the girls make their way closer to where waverly just was and talked for awhile.

"so.. you ever tell your family about that girl you liked?" marley asks curiously.

"nah, the right time never really came, my mom told be about the deb ball again this morning and brought up asking belly about doing it with me this year so I was going to tell them about me bringing a girl as a date this year but then jere interrupted me saying he didn't like that was doesn't seem like something belly would do." says wave.

"wave you're never going to find the right time to tell them, you just need to do it. or just find a girl to go to the ball with and tell them that you have a date and show up with her." marley says trying to help, "trust me i spent years trying to find the right time but then realized that there would never be one and that i just needed to be honest and tell them that i like girls and not guys." she finishes.

"yeah you're right, thank you mar. alright enough of that, lets swim before we have to go back and greet the conklins."

the girls spend the next two hours hanging out and swimming in the ocean and spending good time together.


the girls make their way back to the fisher and conklin summer house and rush inside to make sure they hadn't missed the conklins, to which they hadn't to their surprise having lost track of time at the beach.

susannah makes her wave over to them with flowers still in her hand and hugs marley, "oh mar, you look so beautiful, the short haircut fits you so well!" she says complimenting marley.

"oh thank you suse! you look amazing as well, happy summer!" marley says to which susannah repeats, "and happy summer to you aswell mar!"

susannah makes her way back over to the flower pot and put the flowers in just as a they hear a car honk infront of the house.

they all make their way outside and greet eachother happily.

steven then reminds them of the annual "belly flop" of the summer so the boys, wave and mar all pick up belly and make their way to the back of the house, to the pool and then throw belly into the pool.

"guys, i hurt my ankle." belly says and conrad makes his way over to belly to help pull her out, "come on" belly adds just as she pulls conrad into the pool and the rest of them move back, laughing not wanting to get wet.

waverly, marley, steven and jeremiah make their way back into the house.

wave and mar sitting down at the kitchen stools talking with susannah waiting for belly to come in and talk with them.

❤︎︎ AUTHORS NOTE: hi hi!! okay so this is just the first chapter and I wanted it to focus more on the building up of the relationship and background of wave and mar so sorry if it was a bit boring, anyways hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter!!

and as always, remember to please not be a silent reader! i'd love to see your thoughts throughout the chapters!

much love, madelyn.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2022 ⏰

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