"I am here to see Daphne Bridgerton. I assume she is in if she is not too busy fighting a storm of suitors."  Artemis jested, noticing the awkward smile of the butler. 

"Follow me, Miss Daphne Bridgerton should be in the drawing-room as of yet. Might I inquire your name, so as to announce you properly?"

"Artemis Black." 

She spotted no recognition in the butler's eyes as he lead her through the beautiful home towards the drawing-room.  "A Lady Artemis Black calls on Miss Daphne Bridgerton." The men announced, allowing Artemis to step into the room. 

"Y-your Majesty!" Daphne chirped, standing quickly to curtsy. 

The other women in the room grew a wide-eyed look before following suit and standing to give a polite curtsy. 

"Oh no need for all that, I told you it's just Artemis remember?" Artemis spoke in a casual friendliness that set the other women at ease. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, your majesty. I am Viscountess Violet Bridgerton, Daphne's mother, and these are some of my other daughters, Eloise and Hyacinth. To what do we owe the honor of your visit?" Daphne's mother asked kindly. 

She reminded Artemis of her own mother. Though she was very used to long periods of time away from her family the reminder sent a feeling of nostalgic longing through her heart. 

"In all honesty, I could not stand the company of my siblings for another moment or I would go mad. So I thought to visit my new friend and see how her romantic endeavors are fairing." Artemis chuckled at her own words, the clear fondness for her siblings was clear in her eyes causing the others to smile as well. 

"Well, that I completely understand. I have many siblings of my own and I can hardly stay sane. Here please sit... How many siblings do your have Princess-"

"It's just Artemis, Daphne." 


"I have four brothers and two sisters. Hephaestus, Ares, Athena, my twin brother Apollo, Hermes, and Aphrodite." Artemis answered, not realizing the soft look that she had at the thought of her siblings. 

"You are all named after the Greek gods? That's beautiful. I have four brothers myself and three sisters. Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth. I have never met someone from a family as large as my own." Daphne laughed, her face just as bright talking to her new friend. 

"It seems our parents both adopted themes when naming children, alphabetical is it? Though I must write to mother immediately, I need one more sister if I am to keep up with you, dearest Daphne!" Artemis joked causing the women to laugh. 

"Princess Artemis, where are you princess to?" The elder of the girls, Eloise asked. 

Artemis smirked at the curious and hungry look in the young girl's eyes. She reminded her of the women soldiers she had trained, with vicious independence about her. She had not seen the look of a warrior in an English woman since arriving and was pleased to find at least one wolf among the docile sheep.

"I am General of the Southern Legions and the second Princess of Illyria." 

The girl nearly burst with shock nearly jumping from her chair, "YOU ARE A GENERAL AS WELL?! Y-your a woman! Have you seen combat? If you are a general you must have! Oh, you must tell me everything!" 

"ELOISE BRIDGERTON! Calm yourself, dearest, we don't want to overwhelm the Princess." Violet lightly scolded her daughter, but her own clear curiosity was apparent. 

"Yes... I have been a soldier for a lot longer than I have been a Princess, so no need to worry about overwhelming me, Lady Bridgerton. My hands are stained with far too much blood for me to convey my own stories to you properly, Eloise. During the revolution, I lead the Southern Legion with my twin brother Apollo. I am afraid your curiosity is not worth the pain of remembering such dark times, but I shall tell you... War is not like you have read, death is not as beautiful as the ballads paint it to be."

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