Chapter 1 | Kuro Akira

Start from the beginning

Before he could continue, Kaidou got distracted by somebody in the class exclaiming about a venomous snake gone loose. The boy stepped closer towards them. "Are you sure it escaped? That's just the sort of ploy that they would come up with." He said ominously, catching the attentions of his classmates, "But I, The Jet-Black Wings, shall not be fooled by their devious deceptions! Someone set that snake free!!"

At his declaration, an unnamed student stood up in alarm, "What are you saying, Kaidou?! Do you know something?"

"You mean some guy named The Jet-Black Wings did this?!" Another exclaimed.

"I'm The Jet-Black Wings!" Kaidou scoffed, "I speak of an evil society named Dark Reunion! They have finally set their Mankind Sorting Plan into motion!"

There was a second where the class looked shocked at the revelations before they realized what he had said and gave a disappointed sigh, leaving Kaidou alone.

Akira merely shook her head at him, the corner of her lips twitching upwards in amusement.

It wasn't even five minutes after the news when a boy slid the door open and stated "Good news! They caught the snake!" Some of the students walked over with relieved smiles. "That's great news! Where did they find it?" A girl asked.

"Right next to the school gate. I heard that it was half-dead when they found it." He answered before going on to explain that some neighbourhood elementary school kids were tormenting the poor reptile.

With their worries alleviated, the students began to make fun of Kaidou, which made Akira scowl when she saw said boy walk out of the classroom tearily, followed by another — to the bathroom, if she remembered correctly.

"Stop laughing."

"Huh?" Someone from the crowd said, catching her friends attentions. They turned towards Akira and it seemed as though their laughters were caught in their throats.

After a few moments, one brave boy — foolish, more like — decided to break the tension. "Wh–Why are you staring at us?" He stuttered, before shrinking into himself when she focused on him, her displeasure prominent on her face.

Akira merely cocked an eyebrow in response, making them feel like they were but a child in front of an adult who's telling them that they should know what they did wrong.

Fortunately for Akira's faith in humanity, they eventually did.

"I–I guess we were a bit too far, guys." The girl, who first heard Akira, admitted awkwardly. She shuffled slightly with a blush tinting her cheeks. "Maybe, we should apologize to him."

"Um, yeah. You're right, Mi-chan." One hesitantly agreed as the others rushed to follow suit.

Moments after, like karma would have it, a snake fell out of one of the boys' gakuran uniform and chaos ensued. Everybody was screaming, some running around while others climbed onto their desks. One student even fainted standing up when the snake bit his balls — more accurately, the crotch part of his pants.

And when Kaidou, the soft-hearted boy that he was, jumped in to protect someone from the snake, Akira stepped in.

As much as I'd like them to marvel at your thunder prowess, it'd only worsen that syndrome of yours, Jet-Black Wings-san.

Sliding a nearby chair into it, the snake crashed against wood instead. Akira took no time in subduing the animal, expertly holding it by its head and body so it couldn't open its mouth nor wrap around her arms. "Someone tell a teacher to call the animal-control." Akira said to the dumbfounded class.

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