
Comenzar desde el principio

5 years had passed by, her father was still in rehab, recovering from his condition, the first two years were very hard for him, she even remembers her father calling her at 3 am at night, wailing and crying about how he couldn't hold it in anymore. But, [Name] always tried her best to console him, to make him feel better.

If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't have been able to hold his own together.

While her father was away, [Name] had started to grow fond of the new Don. Everything that he did for the city, how he helped her, unknowingly saving her, everything, she started to respect and admire him.

She even caught a glimpse of him at the restaurant, having lunch with one of his subordinates.

But, she couldn't get in of course, his guards had the place on lock down. It was only for the Don and his men.

Oh, how beautiful he was. His golden locks, his turquoise eyes, his face. Everything. It looked like she was drooling at the sight of him.

But to her dismay, he was already taken. She despised the woman who took him away, but then again, she couldn't do anything, he was ethereal, how could he be single for a long time.

Her name was Verona Durand, she was the daughter of the French mafia boss, Antoine Durand, the marriage was supposed to bring peace between the two mafia gangs, but, the Don adored Verona so much.

Well, at least that's what she heard.

Sometimes she couldn't help but wish that she was Verona. Oh, how lucky she was, she has the most beautiful man in the world to herself.

"Lucky whore." [Name] mumbled.

She sat in a Cafe, reading about the article announcing the Don's engagement.

He looked so happy in the picture with her.

A tint of jealousy shoved its way into her heart. She couldn't help but shake it off. She ain't so cool and calm to think that he even knows her. She just saw him once in the Cafe, and he didn't even look at her.

Giorno wasn't like the previous Don, he technically owned the city at this point and the newspapers were here for it. Mafia news was more important than political news in Naples, after Giorno took over.

She sighed, placing the empty cup of coffee back on the table, before getting up and placing the money in the bill book.

She wore a knee-length grey skirt with fishnet stockings and flats, paired with a white crop-top that showed her belly a little bit.

Her hands were entrapped in chain rings, she loved them alot, it added a sense of fashion to her lame clothes at least.

While she continued to walk down the streets of Naples, she took a turn towards the alley which was a shortcut to her house.

"Man, I wonder what I'll cook for dinner today." She placed her index finger on her chin, while walking down, until she heard a group of men shouting at a teenager.

"You brat! You buy from us and you don't even pay us back! If you think that I'll let you off the hook just because you're a kid, you're wrong!" The bald man gripped the boy by his throat, lifting him up in the air.

"I'm sorry! Please let me go! I'll pay you, I promise!" The boy pleaded.

"You think drugs come for free!? You fucking bastard!" The bald man threw the boy against the wall, the boy yelped, falling onto the ground.

"Hold the fuck up. Did this bald bitch just said he's dealing with drugs!?" [Name] turned around quickly to look at the group, there were approximately 3 men, they surrounded the boy, beating him up for money.

"Good grief. So much for some dumb euphoric powder." She mumbled.

She gripped her knife from her knife-pocket, which was strapped around her thigh on the top of fishnet stockings.

[Name] had fought alot of street thugs before. Well, those who sold drugs mostly, she had a rough looking appearance, so she never had any luck in finding love. Since, she was too masculine for them, but [Name] had a heart of gold, not everyone understood that.

She ran towards the group of men in high speed, before lunging onto the bald man, stabbing him in the eye. The bald man yelled out in pain while the other two stood their in shock.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" the bald man screamed, attempting to grip her waist, but she jumped out of his grip quickly, pulling out the knife, making him cry even more.

"Leave this area at once, fatty. I ain't gonna repeat twice." [Name] said, pointing the knife at him.

"What the fuck are you two doing!? shoot her!" The bald men yelled.

The men hurried to take their gun out, only for one of them to be kicked in the crotch, making him drop the gun while the other was stabbed in the hand by a knife.

"Are yall dumb? I told you to leave didn't I?" [Name] growled, she went ahead to pick up the gun, shooting the ground four times, so that they would run away.

"You bitch! I'll see you soon! You'll pay for what you did!!" The bald man yelled, as the other two men held him up, slowly, attempting to escape.

"Yeah, yeah, when you come and see me, I'll stab your other eye too." She chuckled, shooting his left feet, he yelped in pain, the other two men looking at her hysterically.

"Get your ugly boss out of here before I shoot you both in the crotch." She snarled.

"Yes, ma'am!" Both of the men quickly nodded before running away from the scene.

She sent the boy a death glare, the boy was shaking in his shoes, only to be gripped by his shirt, "Are you dumb? Why are you buying drugs, huh!?" She yelled at him, only for him to cry in return. She sighed at the sight.

"I don't know how to deal with crying kids so." She took out some money left with her, before shoving it in his mouth.

"Shut up and go buy yourself some gelato." She smiled at him, even though it was an evil smile.

The boy quickly nodded, before fleeing away.

"Well, that's done for the day." She nodded to herself, placing her hands on her waist, proud of her performance.

"Good thing, I took gymnastics in high school, it came in handy." She smiled to herself.

Suddenly she felt a jolt of sharp pain in the nape of her neck, soon, her vision started to get blurry, her knees got weaker and weaker and she fell onto the ground, unconscious.

Her eyes did open for a second to see a Bob-haired man and a man wearing a strange cap, looking at her, but she couldn't speak, thus, she fell down into darkness.

𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧. [Giorno Giovanna x Reader] Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora