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The weather in Naples was beautiful as usual. Peaceful and quiet, with no ruckus of any kind.

Ever since the old boss of the Passione had died, and a new boss had taken over, the streets of Naples have been clean and pure.

But, it wasn't so easy, the people still managed to get drugs from some source, no one understood how though.

But, the Don was dedicated. He did everything he could to find the source of the drug dealers, but it kept getting annoying as one after the other, kept coming and coming.

But, the Don didn't know, that he already had a loyal supporter in the shadows, despite of him not knowing her existence, [Name] continued to keep the streets of Naples clean.

Imagine being such a simp.

But, she was. It doesn't matter anymore.

[Name] had long ago submitted to the Don, the reason? Because of Passione. He had changed her life, despite of knowing nothing about her, she still followed him like a lost little puppy.

It was confusing to some, but no one understood what the drugs had done to her family, especially her father, whom she loved so much. After the selling and handling of drugs to people, her father became an addict himself. This caused a complete ruckus in her home life. Her mother was long gone, since she decided that being with her father would be of no good.

Her father, he was helpless, he couldn't help himself for all the drugs he had consumed. It was his fault for trying them, yes. [Name] tried alot to stop him from getting them, but he would always find a way to buy it.

"Why don't you understand! Those things are just destroying you dad!" 14 year old [Name] yelled at her father.

Soon after, she saw her father fall down onto his knees, covering his face with his hands, small sniffling noises could be heard. "I'm so horrible, aren't I? I hurt you so much. I can't stop, [Name], it sucks so much. I try my best to not buy it or consume it, but addiction isn't an easy thing to let go off. I can't. Everyone left, now you will too. You're the most precious thing that ever happened to me. I can't lose you too because of my behavior..."

[Name] bit her lip gently, walking towards her father. To say that she hated her mom for leaving him like this was an understatement of the year. She wrapped her arms around him, rubbing his back. "Dad, it's okay. I will never leave you, I promise." [Name] mumbled. "I'm not like her." She thought in her mind.

Soon, after a week or so, there was a word in the street that the old Don had been killed, and new Don had taken over.

"They say his name is Giorno Giovanna. Man, that kid is just 15 years old, imagine taking down a mafia boss at the age of 15. That kid has some guts." [Name] heard a police man speak.

"Well, looks like we'll have to follow his orders now. Tch, this is what life has come to." The other police man said, fixing his cap.

"Giorno Giovanna..."

As the days followed, after Giorno's take over, the streets of Naples started to clear up, the drug trail was slowly becoming non-existent, and he had set up many rehab facilities for those who suffered from drug abuse or substance abuse.

[Name]'s father was also sent to the rehab, even though parting with her father was a huge deal for her, she had to stay strong. He was going to get better, he was going to be stronger.

𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧. [Giorno Giovanna x Reader] Where stories live. Discover now