X. Five things that make/made me cry...

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Thank you @xconniexx for tagging me...:P

So so so...let's start this.

1. When my dad died.  Losing him and the circumstances around it.

2. Being helpless when your loved ones are in danger, real danger. Remember that makes me cry when I'm alone.

3.  Working with people in need can get emotional. One can cry tears of joy and tears of sadness.

4. Movies and music. Some movies and some songs make me cry. It could be the lyrics, the melody or the memories brought by them.

5. When someone I love cries, is hurt and in pain I'll cry (also when someone truly cries and I don't even know them) Sometimes then with them or after, when I'm alone.

Many news nowadays made me cry.

There were certain moments on my kids lives that I've cried tears of joy, being happy for them...being a proud momma.

I tag @ammejo, @

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