Chspter 1: Neko High School

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one day it was a day.

Raku-chan and Koneko-chan, who were just normal neko highschoolers, woke up on that day, and they thought it would just be an ordinary and sugoi day like every day was. But little did they know, that today was NOT a normal day...


The Neko School Festival was a festival at Neko High School which was where rakuchan, Koneko-chan and and their tomadachi Hitoshi-San went to school.

It was a festival where students did stuff and it happened at school, which was why it was called a school festival.

n e ways, after they woke up Raku-chan and koneko-chan got dressed in there school unifroms which were a sailor uniform with a super short sexy navy blue and pink skirt, a white short sleeved top, a blue and white collar, and a pink ribbon. Rakuchan put on sum kawaii light pink eyeliner and put on mascara and fake sparkly eyelashes and put on a pair of really kawaii wing earrings and a sparkly pink gemstone covered collar with white and pink lace around it and a silver bell in the middle. They put on their black school loafers and sexy lacy white kneesocks and got their bags and ate breakfast and then they went to school.

Raku-chans super awesome giant sugoi boobs were jiggling up and down as the nekosgirls walked to school. Konekos-chans chest wasn't as big but she didn't really care because she was not self conshis.

"Koneko~chan~ aren't you excited for da school festival today???? isn't it SO SUPER SUGOI NYA!?!!!!" said Raku chan.

"Yes, I think it will be super kimochi as well Raku-chan, everyone sure put a lot of effort into making our last school festival at Neko High School extra sugoi," said Konkeo chan.

Suddenly Raku chan was quiet. She was thinking really hard abuot something.

The thing Raku was thinking about was her super giant huge crush on her best tomadachi, Hitoshi San. Calling Hitoshi-san sugoi would be like calling the moon a rock. It was technically true, but the mere word "sugoi" failed so utterly and completely at conveying just how incredible Hitoshi-san was that it made the entire Japanese language seem like a joke.

Raku chan's eyes became misty as she started daydreaming about Hitoshi-san's piercing blood-scarlet eyes, his dark deep ocean blue hair, and his hot steamy shrexy bod. She blushed. Hitoshi-san really was so sugoi desu!

Raku-chan's daydreaming became more serious as she started considering what this school festival meant to her relationship with Hitoshi-san. This was her last chance to confess her feelings to Hitoshi-san!

She started practicing the confession in her head. Romantic music began playing in her imagination as she stood with Hitoshi-san on the school roof, watching the fireworks together. Hitoshi-san... watashi... watashi wa aishiteru anata desu!  (translators note: I... I love you desu!)

Hmm... no, that was too straightforward. And also, she really needed to reexamine her imaginary internal music catalog. Stacy's Mom was not romantic enough.

What about, "watashi wa kimochi daisuki Hitoshi-san desu!"? (translatros note: I really like you a lot Hitoshi-san desu!)

No, it was too weak of a statement to properly convey the depths of her feelings. So how was she going to go about the confession?

She needed to hurry up and think about the best way to confess to Hitoshi-san before the festival was over. She might not get another chance after this one!

"Um, are u ok Raku-chan, u r kind of quiet today nya. Did something happen?" asked Koneko-chan.

"O-oh nya desu, n-nothing much nyahahaha!" Raku laughed awkwardly and anime sweatdropped.

"Oh, okay then. Lets go inside, we're already at school after all," said Koneko-chan, pointing at the school gates.

"O-ok nya desu!!!" Raku chan said and then they went inside.

AUTHORS AN: ok i kno that this chepter is kind of boring cuz not a  lotof stuff happens but more intersting stuff will happen in newxt chapter i promise!! Thank you sugoi reader-chans NEXT CHAPTOR COMMING SOON DESU!

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