Eda was able to skip a couple grades because the vice principal saw potential in her due to her magic, the advanced classes might calm that chaotic energy and she's hard-working witch (When she puts in the effort to show).

Both girls looked over their schedules and they shared four classes outside their coven track classes, as well as lunch.

"This is great! Oh! At lunch you gotta meet my sister Lilith, Lily for short. She's total nerd."

Eda pointed to her sister, who sat a few rows up and Catherine leaned over to see Lilith sitting next to Alador. Lilith looked behind her, smiled and waved at the two younger teens before returning to her conversation with the boy.

"Wow. Barely even a day in and Lily's already got herself a boyfriend."

"Eda...That guy is my brother, Alador."

"Wait really?!...Dang he's a lot more scrawnier than I had imagined. Am I right?" Eda commented jokingly.

Catherine playfully punched Eda in the arm. "Hey! That's my brother your talking about." Catherine answered.

"Okay, okay! I won't mess with him....Yet."

Before Catherine could say something the second bell screamed and class began.
A Few Minutes Before...

Alador sat at his desk and started doodling abomination experiments in his notebook.

"Those are very good drawings."

Alador jumped a little before turning to see a girl with very curly red hair and large round glasses. He guessed she was the one who is supposed to sit next to him for this year.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to startle you." The girl said with worry in her voice.

"I-it's okay. I just tend to forget my surroundings sometimes when I draw." Alador said.

He held his hand out and she took it before shaking it gently. He took a good look at the girl for a few moments before remembering her from around school.

"Hey. Lilith, right?" He asked.

She nodded. "How did you know?"

"Odalia is head cheerleader for the grudgby team, so she saw you and your sister, Eda, a lot at the games last year...And she got pranked quite a few times by your sister."

"Oh..." Lilith quickly sat down and both sat in silence for a few seconds.

"My name is Alador Blight. I'm, I guess you could say friends with Odalia."

"So she does have friends? No offense to her or anything it's just from what I've heard, she can be really mean."

"Well sometimes she can be but she's nice once you get to know her enough."

Lilith nods her head. "So what are you drawing there, Mr. Blight." She asked with a smile.

"Oh! I um draw down some ideas for abominations that we witches could use in the future. Like this one!" Alador flips to a page with the title 'Abomination Soldier'.

"You see I have an idea for an abomination-based robot. It's Initially designed to be mass-produced home security products to protect witches from intruders or their enemies." He said with a confident smile.

"That's amazing! You know with this type of abomination, any witch or demon could protect themselves from danger. Heck! I bet the Emperor's Coven would approve of this!"

Alador suddenly felt all the blood rush to his cheeks, before closing the notebook and putting back in his bag.

"I don't know about that. Catherine thinks it's possible but I think she's saying that to make me feel better."

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