Chapter One

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"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I say cowering below Crimson Countess.

"Its all your fault they took him!" she screams. I cover my head as she lifts her hands and starts to glow when Gunpowder stops her

"Don't waste your energy, just leave her here. The Russians will find her" he says pulling her away. She looks back at me

"I see you again, your dead" she seethes as she turns to leave as I sit there crying. They took Soldier Boy, but its wasn't my fault, I swear. I sit holding my knees to my chest trying to figure out what to do now. I'm in the middle of this deserted camp as everyone either fled, got captured or killed. I hid behind some crates of supplies Grace Mallory had. Hm, I don't even know what happened to her. I get up and walk around trying to find a way home or anything and I hear some rustling in some bushes. I stop and wait to see what happens, when its one of the men scared out of his mind. He starts yelling at me in Russian

"Hey, its ok. I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise" I say getting down with my hands up. He watches me closely and then slowly nods his head, when im grabbed from behind.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I say struggling against them. They start speaking to each other as they take me and put me in a truck with a bag on my head and my hands bound. Im thrown in the back and get squished between two men. We drive for what seems like ever when I finally feel the vehicle stop. I move my head around as they pull me out and take the bag off my head. I look up and it's a huge metal building, must be a secret lab or something. They drag me in as they converse with each other and I just look at everything I can before im taken into a laboratory. I get pulled in and thrown to the floor and when I look up I see him

"Soldier Boy!" I yell as he looks at me. I start to struggle to get to him when they hit my head and knock me out.

I'm not sure how long ive been out, but im in a quiet room by myself. I remember them struggling with him, what were they doing to him. I hear the door to my room open and some older man comes in.

"Hello Ritchie" he says as I stand up and back away

"How do you know my name?" I ask scared. He just chuckles at me

"I know a lot more than you think. My name is Frederick Vought, and I have a proposition for you" he says walking in more. I walk back right into the wall.

"And what is that?" I ask looking at him.

"I have something I want to give you, to see how you do with it. Its called Compound V" he says pacing back and forth

"And what exactly is it supposed to do?" I ask as I go to sit down on my bed.

"It will turn you into a supe" he says as I jump up

"NO, absolutely not! I wont do it!" I say shaking my head. He motions for two of his men to come in and they come grab me and start to pull me out

"NO, no please I don't want to do it. I don't want to be a supe" I say struggling. They just pull me back in to the same lab I was in before but now there is a giant capsule in the room and its dark. I stop

"What is that?" I say shaking a little, afraid they might put me in it

"Oh, that's nothing for you to worry about. That was for someone else" Vought says as he goes over and shines a light and I see Soldier Boy

"No, what did you do to him! Why are you doing this?" I say crying as I fall to my knees. He puts the light down

"Ah, I see" he says to his men

"What?" I ask looking between him and Soldier Boys capsule.

"You love him" he says kneeling by me. I jerk back

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