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( s/a :  you can listen to this song while reading ty pls vote )

Celestine's pov

after what happened it was my first time that my parents grounded them but hope fully they grow there love on me like how they love my two adopted sister : Celestine said to her self 

I'm Going up stairs  : I Said

oh ok : They said 

Si. : i said before going up stairs 

yes tine : Simon said

can i talk to u for a second  : I said 

yeah sure : Simon said while following me in my room

Sandro's Pov

 Sandro : Tita Irene said

ah yes tita what is it : I said 

Do you know why Tine  Called Simon Sandro : Tito Greg said 

uhm No why : I said 

ok : Tito Greg and Tita Irene said 

why Did you guys ask Me that : I said while confused 

Nothing Sandro : Pops said 

Ok : I said 

(s/a : END of Sandro's Pov  pls Vote Ty  )

Celestine's pov 

After Talking to Simon he agreed for what I'm gonna do

Are you sure that your going to London : Simon said 

Yes I'm already sure about it Si. : I said to him while I'm trying to hold back my tears 

cuz don't  cry Tita and Tito will gonna realize what they did to u that they've been unfair : Simon said while comforting me 

Thanks Si. because u always got my back : I said while wiping my tears 

so Do you mind if I drop you off to the Airport tomorrow : Simon Said 

Thank You Si.: I said while Smiling on him

(s/a: End Of The Pov)

Luis Pov 

I was Going out From my room when i suddenly heard my sister and cousin talking about something while putting my  ear to the door so i can here what they are talking about 

Are you sure that your going to London : Simon said

Yes I'm already sure about it Si. : my sister said 

cuz don't cry Tita and Tito will gonna realize for what they did to u that they've been unfair : Simon said

Thanks Si. because u always got my back : My sister said 

so Do you mind if I drop you off to the Airport tomorrow : Simon Said

Thank You Si.: my sister said 

after hearing what they talking about i decided not to tell my parents because I know when I tell them they will just let it slide 

Bro Luis I heard some one called me  before going down the stairs it was my sister Celestine

Yes Tine : I said 

uhm bro I need to tell you some thing : Celestine said 

tine you don't need to say anything I over heard you and Simon talking : I said 

oh ah are you angry on me because of what I'm gonna do : Celestine said 

no tine I'm not angry but I think you have the right decision : I said while hugging my sister

thanks bro : Celestine said 

How many months are you gonna stay at London : I said 

I think 2 years but I'm not sure bro  : Celestine said

oh ok I'm gonna miss you alright take care : I said 

yes bro : Celestine Said while Hugging me 

( s/a: End of Luis pov )

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