Chosen Heroine

Depuis le début

"Uh, that would be me." Naruko pointed to herself.

Azmuth looked at Naruto while analyzing him, "Well, then the easy part is done."

"Easy part?" Naruko wondered, "And why were you looking for me?"

Before Azmuth could answer, they both heard incoming footsteps, "I'll explain later. Right now we should go someplace less conspicuous."

"Uh, right," Naruko agreed, as he picked Azmuth and put him on his shoulder, "Hang on tight."

"Wait, we can't leave my pod." Azmuth pleaded.

Naruto sighed as she tried to pick it up only for her eyes to bulge up and cry as her hands were burning up, "HOT!" She waved her hands around to cool them down. He then removed her orange jacket and wrapped it around the pod. He was able to pick it up without getting burned and ran off with Azmuth quickly before Anbu arrived.

"See anything?" one asked another.

"Over there." the second said, as the group went to the crater.

They saw the burned spot in the center where the pod was, "What could've landed here?"

"I don't know."

"We report report this to Sandaime-sama, right away." another said, as they took off.

Meanwhile, Naruko managed to get back to her apartment where she placed Azmuth's pod in the center of his room on the floor as it rested atop her jacket. Naruko sat on her bed panting in relief, as Azmuth stood at his side, "That was a close one." Naruko panted.

"Too close," Azmuth said, "I must say you run exceptionally fast for a human."

"Been doing it since I learned how to walk, and it's really come in handy. Don't ask why." Naruko said.

Azmuth nodded and got down to business, "Back on track. Naruko, I've come here to earth because I am in need of your help."

"What do you want with a cute girl and the most  beautiful in Konoha like me?" Naruko asked, "And how did you even know my name or even to come here?"

"This may be a shock to you, but this isn't my first time on planet earth."

"You've been here before?"

"Yes. Well, not here in this ninja land per say, but in another section of planet earth that this side of the planet detached itself from and has not moved on so far in terms of technology and weaponry."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Naruko said, feeling clueless.

"Of course you don't. My intellect far outweighs yours or anyone else on this planet." Azmuth replied.

"Ok, don't start insulting me, and tell me how you know me."

"As I was saying," Azmuth continued, "I came back to planet earth after millennia because I desire someone to wield my greatest to creation and protect this planet from the threat of invading forces that desire to conquer this planet."

"Invading forces?" Naruko gasped.

"Correct, as for how I know you. I've done a background check of this planets current inhabitants and searched for a human similar to the last hero of this planet who wielded my greatest creation."

"Creation, what's that?" Naruko wondered.

"Allow me to show you." Azmuth jumped off the bed, and went to his pod opening it up. He picked something up and climbed back onto the bed. He placed what he was carrying on the bed, as Naruko looked at it.

Naruko 10Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant