"The Cerise Laboratory is just up ahead," Tracey commented, pointing up the road to a brick building that had a clock tower in its center. "Did you want me to stay here with you all while you interview Goh and Chloe?"

"That's alright, Tracey," Misty said. "I think we'll be able to handle it from here. You can head back to Cerulean City and watch over the gym. I'll be sure to keep you updated."

Tracey pulled over to the side of the road in front of the lab and let everyone out. He wished them luck and started on his way to Cerulean City. Iris and Misty practically led the group to the front of the lab. After Iris knocked on the door, another young woman answered. She had long, burgundy hair that hung in a braid. She wore a striped shirt and yellow overalls.

"Welcome everyone," she said. "We've been expecting you. Please come in." She held the door open and ushered everyone into the foyer of the lab. "Serena? I didn't expect to see you!"

"Chloe!" Serena cheered, pulling Chloe in for a hug. "I was kind of a last minute addition. It's great to see you. I hope you've been keeping well."

"I have," Chloe replied. "I hope you're holding up well, despite the circumstance with Ash. I know how much he means to you."

"I'm, well, we're all here to find him, so I know things will turn out well in the end," Serena said. "It just has to."

"Excuse me, Chloe," Cynthia interjected. "But I was under the impression that Goh was here as well."

"He's in the park out back," Chloe responded. "If you all want to wait upstairs in the Clocktower, I can go and get him." She showed the group to the Clocktower and then left to get Goh.

The Clocktower was designed like a lounge or a waiting room, it had coffee tables, couches, chairs, and even a minifridge filled with snacks and drinks. Everyone had taken seats in this lounge. A few minutes later, Chloe and Goh entered the room.

"To those who are new, my name is Chloe and this is my dad's laboratory," She smiled. "Dad and his assistants aren't here right now. They are away at a conference, so I'm watching the lab for them."

"Hello everyone," The young man said. "My name is Goh. It's good to see some familiar faces as well as meet some new people."

"Thank you for letting us come here under such short notice," Iris said. "But, as you already know, this is our search and rescue team."

"We spoke to Mrs.Ketchum and she said that you two were the last to see Ash in person," Vilnis said. "Could you please tell us everything?"

"Of course," Goh said with a serious face. "It was just under two months ago. I had come home because Project Mew is on hiatus. When I told Ash that I'd be coming back he wanted to come visit Chloe and I."

"He got here and was really excited," Chloe interjected. "He caught us up on what he had been doing lately and we did the same. Goh and Ash were feeling nostalgic and decided to sleep over in their old room here at the lab. I was doing some reading for a personal project and happened to doze off up here."

"We had planned on spending the next day all together," Goh said. "But when I woke up, Ash just frantically packed up his stuff, said something about having to get to Galar right away, and then he and Pikachu just bolted out the front door."

"And that was the last time we saw him," Chloe said with her hands clasped together. "He never responded to any of the messages we sent or answered our phone calls."

"So the last place that we know Ash was going to is the Galar region," Ashley said. "Do you think that he could still be there?"

"I believe that is where we will need to go," Cynthia said. "We shouldn't wait. We need to see if there is a flight that can take us there as soon as possible."

"Cynthia, you and I can look at flights on the computer in Dad's office," Chloe said. She and Cynthia exited the Clocktower.

"I know Ash can be headstrong and not completely think things through," Misty said. "But what in the world was he thinking? Just running out like that without an explanation?"

"I'll admit, I was a bit hurt and angry at first," Goh confessed. "But after thinking it over and over, it seemed like he was worried about something instead of just rushing off for another grand adventure."

A few moments later, Cynthia came back to the Clocktower.

"The earliest we can get to Galar is tomorrow morning," She explained. "Until then, we will have to sit tight. Maybe even come up with a plan of action. But without knowing where Ash was running off to in Galar, it'll be just us going in blind."

"I'll get in contact with Leon," Iris said. "Maybe he can help us out? I know that those two are really close."

"Leon was Ash's idol back during the World Coronation Series," Goh said. "They even went off to do special training together a little while before the Master Class tournament. They are very similar."

"If you can get Leon to help us, then we might have an idea on where to look," Cynthia said.

"Since you all won't be leaving until tomorrow," Chloe said, entering the Clocktower. "Why not stay here for the night? The guys can sleep in Goh and Ash's old room and the Girls can sleep up here in the Clocktower. I'll bring out some futons for everyone."

"That is very kind of you, Chloe," Ashley said. "I can help you with the futons."

"Thank you for sharing all that information with us," Marco said to Goh.

"Yeah! We know that Galar is where Ash took off too. Hopefully someone there has seen him recently," Vilnis added.

"Okay, I've decided!" Goh shouted. "I'm coming with you!"

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