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3rd pov

     Benatar woke up it was later then the time he usually wakes up, it was 10am about 2 hours later then usual. He had a major headache it felt like someone drilling in his brain that's one of the cons too him drinking the aftermath he usually gets headache that hurt like a bitch. Benatar yawned trying to relax but ultimately regretted it when he felt sick to the point of throwing up. He coverd his mouth whole he gagged and rushed to the bathroom. He barley made his ass to the toilet bowl and started to frow up he felt dizzy and sick his head spinning with thought and regrets. As he puked his guts out he tried to remember what happened hours before he got were he was now. He remember drinking by himself and then Puff Puff. His memory were blurry and fuzzy he could only remember key points of his memory certain parts that were spefic the rest was just a blur. A good thing he could atleast remember was that him and Puff Puff got slightly closer.
'Worth it' He though as he countied too puke.
Benatar eventually finally felt like he frew up ever single last organ out of his body he clean outed his mouth with a glass of water and brushed his teeth. After he was done he made his way out of the bathroom he looked around the bus. Axel was on the coach sleeping Deejay in his bed and Puff Puff in his bed as well with empty beer bottles scatter around the floor and a bit of broken glass. Benatar siged knowing he was gonna have to clean most of the mess up. He started to sweep the broken glass carefully making sure not too cut himself on accident for once. As he countie to sweep he tried to recall more memories from last night this time he was able to remember slightly more since his frow up wasn't right in his face. He remember everything from the bar but when he got drunk in the bus his memories became fuzzy. He remember hanging out with Puff Puff then sleeping in his bed he knew they didn't sleep sexualy hell they were facing the opposite way from eachother trying too avoid each other presence but Benatar still though it was sweet of Puff Puff. Benatar eye started to feel watery then he realized he's been zoning out while looking at the lights. He rubbed his eyes and went back too sweeping after 7 minutes he finally cleaned the whole floor he went up to his bunk too rest he knew he had too make Puff Puff bed later and he'll maybe even clean the whole bus. He ladied on his bed he went on his phone spefically his gallery he went on saved pictures of the band and zoomed into Puff Puff.
'Fuck he's handsome' he thought to himself smiling. Benatar kept looking at pictures of Puff Puff like a middle schooler looking at their crushes Instagram ever second. Benatar now knew he truly did have feelings for this man. He hoped wished practically begged if by any chance Puff Puff had some form on interest in the same sex. This was one of Benatar issue with being gay he never knew if the guy he liked even like boys themselves and also his parents. Benatar came from a pretty rich family who was really religious Benatar was forced to go to church and belive in christianity, in middle school when he figure out he was gay he decide too be closeted keeping his "sin" how his family likes to put it a secret from them hell he even kept it a secret from his friends not knowing how'd they take it. His parents only found out since they loved to snope in Benatar business and give him no privacy. They found a vent notebook it was angry scribbles at the first few pages but eventually they found drawings of what seemed too be Benatar hugging kissing and shipping himself with his at the time celebrates crushes and fictional crushes. He still vividly remember his mothers words that night,
"I'm not letting my only son committing such sin! Benatar young man your not gonna worship the devil by being into boys" She shouted at him that one night. These are memories Benatar loves too shove in the back of his head not too be remember unless he really was having shitty thoughts. Benatar quickly avoided the thoughts of his parents and went back too having scenarios of him and his new found crush Puff Puff they were innocent ones such as them holding hands cuddling and even kissing, he felt like he was 14 again he didn't care though all that matter is that he was inlove madly inlove infact. His little crush made him feel good sick but a good type of sick hell it distracted him that he's been clean of self harm for about 4 days. The longest he has went for years now.

Hey been a minute! Anyways I leave school Monday so more updates soon. Over the weekend I'll try too update one more chapter 2 if I have a fuckton of motivation. Anyways this chapter is midcore ig. Also thank you all for all the support and nice comments yall been leaving ^^

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