The Perfect Kiss

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 It was the perfect moment. The sky was clear, the stars were bright with the light of eons past, and the neon streets below rushed like ants. The air was soft, and calm with a light breeze. Only the sound of distant honks and vehicular motors could be heard. My voice, then, broke that enchanting silence.

 “Holly. Today was amazing, and I couldn't have asked for a better person to share it with. So… I mean it when… “

 I cleared my throat and went down on my knees and stared softly into her deep hazel eyes. My hands were shaking,  I could feel the blood rush to my face, and the soft damp formation of sweat on my forehead, but I calmed myself, and spoke in my most honest, sincere voice, pulling out the small dark box from inside my coats pocket.

 “Will you make me the happiest man alive?” I creaked open the box and the diamond ring, small as it was, shone with all my love, and I was sure she could see it.

 “I… I will!” My heart skipped a beat in ecstasy. She jumped up and hugged me tighter than ever before and looked deep into my eyes as stared into hers. And we kissed. It wasn't sloppy but rather one kiss, long and simple. But it was, quite easily, the best kiss that we had ever shared; it had the taste of our history together, all the special moments we had shared, the arguments, the firsts; it was a kiss of joy, of happiness that we could not compare to anything. That one kiss gave us faith and hope in our future together; no matter how hard things would get, we would always have each other, forever. And all from a kiss. 

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