Chapter 26

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Shushu POV

It was only 6:00 am and there was already noise outside. It sounded like Wonwoo practicing Light a flame original choreography with Dino, no one paid attention to me when I came down.

"Wonwoo, Dino it's god dang 6:00 am," I said. "Do you want to get yelled at?" They stop the music and look at me weirdly. I know I didn't wear anything inappropriate yesterday night. "Why are you looking at me? Am I wearing something you don't like?"

"I never saw you in short," Wonwoo said. "Dino teaches me some part of the choreography early." I decided to practice with him early. He is a very good sentimental dancer, way better than my brother. "First practice was successful."

Jeonghan was already awake when I returned. He still looked a bit drunk but his concerned face was on. I called a meeting so they can get an invitation to the F1 racing team recognition ceremony which will take place on Saturday.

"I know it's early but this is important," I said. "Here is your invitation to the F1 recognition ceremony, please wear all black because that is the F1 color. VIP will have a party after and you all are VIP, this will be my last time standing and giving a reward because at the recognition ceremony I will announce my retirement."

"Let's eat breakfast, I make good soup," Jeonghan said. "Shushu, I make what you order, crab with egg soup." Jeonghan is the best cook ever. I will never trade him for anything. After eating, some members went to get change but others went directly to the practice room. I watched Wonwoo and his team practice from top to bottom fixing little details.

Wonwoo pov

It was our turn for the duet. Everyone cheered for us like how a fan would feel a bit awkward but for our fans, I could see Shushu's pain but she kept going and eventually wore her leg out and collapsed.

"You shouldn't overwork your legs," our choreographer said. "Everyone can take a break." One of the receptionists came in with a flower for Shushu and a little note, Jeonghan Hyung, who was a very protective friend, took the note away from her.

"Why is your ex giving you a note and flower?" Jeonghan hyung ask her. "I specifically told you to not communicate with him." I read the note and it was from Dani the same guy that almost hit us, is he the one that cause Shushu's accident? I watch her take the note away from Jeonghan Hyung and left.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask. "Dani is her ex?" Hyung showed me a picture of Dani and Shushu. They look happy together with Oakley. There is something else that Hyung and Shushu are hiding. "Hyung, can you tell what's going on?"

"After practice, I will tell you," he said. We went back to practice a few minutes later Shushu came back and acted as if nothing happened. "Shushu!" Our practice is over. I hope fans are going to be happy with our tour soon. It has been a long time since we announced a worldwide concert. I was nervous and excited.

"Shushu, why didn't Jeonghan Hyung doesn't want you to be friends with Dani?" I ask. "Is it the same guy that almost hit us?"

"Dani was my boyfriend after I and Jeonghan broke up, he was a racer from another team who is also an F1 training team. Jeonghan wasn't happy when started dating. He always thinks Dani is going to do something bad," she said. "He broke up with me suddenly and went to his ex immediately, that night Jeonghan was angry at me. I never saw him so angry it almost broke our friendship." I didn't know she dated someone else after breaking up with Jeonghan Hyung, it still seems like Dani wants her back now but I won't let that happen.

Shushu POV

Tomorrow is the F1 ceremony, which is my last day being with my team, retiring, and going to the hardest decision I have ever made but it is good for my health. I call everyone for a meeting in Jeonghan's apartment about tomorrow's ceremony. There is some stuff I need to go over to ensure Seventeen and F1 safety against some fans will be there.

"Tomorrow at 8:00 am the ceremony will start, don't be late, if you are later than 8:20 you can't get in," I said. "Remember to wear black there can be some decoration but not too much and don't interact with any fan that wants your signature, after recognition, there will be a party please enjoy yourself that will be the only time before the US tour."

"What type of black clothes?" Jun asks. "We have a lot of black clothes." I show them pictures of what they should wear including what I will wear tomorrow. It has been a long time since I wore this outfit but it would be my last time standing on stage and giving the reward.

"Is that like a dress code?" Scoop asks. "Everyone has to wear a suit, even girls?"

"No, only F1 racers that are girls have to wear suits," I said. "It's a rule for F1 female racers, don't go to bed too late. Remember later than 8:20 the door will be locked." I went to my room to get my uniform ready. It looked like Jeonghan was still mad at me, it was so quiet they must all leave to go somewhere.

"Are you not going with them?" I ask Jeonghan. "You're still mad at me, I understand."

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