Chapter 1

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Author's Note:
Muzan is really out of character for no reason, but eh I'm in charge so I can do anything 😈

And the narrator is the one talking (?) and only the thoughts of the characters will be shown when it's their Pov (point of view)

Anyways enjoy

(Ignore this line idk it keeps looking like this)


Your POV

You walked into your house with Muzan

'Have a sit, Mr. Kibutsuji!'

You ran towards the kitchen outside to heat up some water and made tea for both of you

You brought the tea and hands it to him

It was quiet and none of you talked for some minutes



'I see you live alone.'

'Ah..yes I am living alone since I was a kid..'

He stared at you

'My parents died when I was nine.'


'Yes, I still remembered my age and primary things about me.'

'I see.'

You remembered about your parents, you missed them badly

You started to cry

You hiccuped and whimpers

You looked up and saw Muzan just staring at you with blank face

'What are you doing?'

'It's nothing, I look pathetic when I cry.'


'I'll be on my way now.'

The man stands up and gets ready to leave

'We will meet again right?'

'I suppose.'

The man leaves

You wanted to sleep since it was a long day

You thought about Muzan the whole time getting ready for bed

You noticed that Muzan's a little bit pale and have really long nails

You let it slide since you're tired

Muzan's Pov

'What a pathetic child.'

You looked delicious in his eyes and you smells incredible

'This place is familiar.'

He looked outside from the window

You were impatiently waiting for the water to boil

'Hmm, she does have a good face, and she seems independent.'

'What are these thoughts?'

'I can't wait to eat her later.'

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