How We Met.

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I was at the bar in the central base. Everyone was partying because it was our week of vacation. But me, I wasn't partying. In fact, I was face on the bar counter, being drunk, mourning about the death of my parents. I usually never do that, especially since I've already accepted the death of my parents back then. But I may have drank too much this night. I was crying a little, and then I turned my head to look at the crowd of soldiers in the little bar. Everything was blury, but I still saw that blond head guy in the crowd, dancing a little and talking with other soldiers. And I remember that, I wanted to look away at that moment, to shut my eyes. But, I was unable to look away. My eyes were stuck on him. I don't know if it's because I was drunk or not. I then quickly decided to get up just to get back in my room because I was feeling dizzy. At least, that's what I was thinking.
But when I tried to get up, I felt my legs shaking, my head spinning, my forehead burning up. I was unable to walk, BUT I still tried, and I end up falling on the ground, head first.

A group of soldiers was around me, looking down at my pathetic body, wondering if I was okay. But no one helped me get up. Not a single person, except 09. He walked quickly towards me and try to wake me up a little from my dizziness. I remember shouting :
And then, I heard his voice for the first time.

09 : Hey there my friend, how about we get you in your room first okay ? You don't seem like you can walk for now, haha! Alright, put your arm around my neck, and I'll get you in your room ! Sorry everyone, my friend here drank a little too much, I'll take care of him.

He puts my arm round his neck and put his hand around my waist to help me get up. He then dragged me out of the bar. I was wondering for a few seconds why he called me '' his friend '' since we don't know each other. But I was too drunk to think properly.


We quickly arrived in front of my room, with some difficulty because of my drunk attitude. He opened the door and gently lay me in my bed. No one was in the room but him and me.

09 : okay hum... 06 ? Yeah that's your number! Stay here, I'll get you some water okay?

06 : Uuuuuuh... Close the lights.. Too bright..!

09 : Eh, alright, alright. Just wait a moment.

He closes some of the lights, and only keep a faint light to see at least a little in the room. He walks a bit around the room and come back sitting in my bed, next to me, giving me a glass of water

09 : Here, drink some water, it'll help you in the morning with the headache.

06 : Nooo.. You drink the.. Fucking water..!

I turn around to put my head in my pillow, mumbling random words. He laughs and put the glass of water on the small table next to my bed.

09 : Okay, no glass of water for now buddy. But I can't let you sleep with your clothes still on you, it's not comfortable that way. Come on! Help me a little and take off your shirt at least.

I sigh deeply and succeed to take the half of my shirt off. 09 helps me taking off the rest of it. I put back my head down, face in my pillow with a groan.

09 : You're sure you don't want some water ? You're gonna regret it in the morning I'm telling you. I've been drunk before and you're not the first drunk guy I'm taking care of. Come on, just a little sip !

He gently pokes my head with the glass of water. I grab the glass, and throw the water right in 09's face while groaning and mumbling things again. He sighs and pass a hand on his face with a small smile.

09 : Well, don't say I didn't warn you.

For a moment, it's oh so silent in the room, only two breathing sounds remains, it's very calming. I almost fall asleep, until I feel finger tips brushing slightly against my back skin. I gasp a little, quietly. His fingers are surprisingly cold, and it's feeling good on my burning skin. I quickly understand that he is tracing one of my scar on my back. His touch is so gently and soft.

09 : You have a lot of scars. You must be a soldier that is on the battlefield most of the time. I hope I don't hurt you touching it.

I turn my head a little to look at his face. He looks concerned but at the same time, he seems amazed.

06 : No.. It doesn't hurt. You have... cold hands. Feels good..

09 : Your skin is pretty hot, I wonder how much you drank to fall directly on the floor.

He place a hand on my forehead, brushing away some of my hair. I close my eyes, feeling his cold hand going down on my burning cheeks. I lay my head in his hand, appreciating the cold of his hand. He stays silent a moment, while passing his hand in my hair, observing every detail of my face. It's only when I smile a little that he took his hand away and get up.

09 : You should rest now. I'll check on you tomorrow. Goodnight, 06.

As he starts to walk away, I already miss the cold of his hands. I try to grab his hand in the dark, but I don't found it anymore. It's only when I hear the click of the door, that I know he's gone now. I sigh, and it didn't took me much time before fall asleep completely.

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