Season 1: Chapter 8

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"We have to go back to the station," Nancy said.

"What?" Jonathon asked and Anastasia snapped out of her thoughts. "Your mom and Hopper are just walking in there like bait. That thing is still in there. And we can't just sit here and let it get them, too," Nancy said and Anastasia didn't even think about that. She couldn't let it take anyone else. "You still wanna try it out?" Jonathan asked.

"I wanna finish what we started. I want to kill it," Nancy said and Anastasia stood up. "What are you doing?" Nancy asked.

"I'm telling my brother we're leaving. Then we are going to the station and getting our stuff," Anastasia said.

"Are you sure he is going to let you?" Nancy asked.

"I'm going with no matter what," Anastasia said and she walked into the gym. Anastasia had explained their plan to him while they waited for Hopper earlier so when he saw her determined look he knew what she was planning. "You're going through with it, aren't you?" He asked.

"Yes. Hopper and Joyce are going in there like bait. We can't let it take anyone else," Anastasia said and Oliver nodded. "Okay. I won't stop you, just be smart about it. Don't let it kill you," Oliver said.

"I will try my best," Anastasia said and Oliver shook his head. "Don't give me any of that shit. Promise me you'll be smart about it," Oliver said putting more emphasis on the word 'smart'. Anastasia knew exactly what he meant and she nodded. "I promise," Anastasia said.

"Promise me you'll take care of them for me. I don't want any of them to get hurt," Anastasia said as she looked past her brother and towards the boys and Eleven. "You're acting like you are about to die," Oliver said.

"It's better to be safe than sorry, right? Can't really cross it out," Anastasia said and Oliver gave her a look. "If you are going to be smart, then you don't have to worry about dying," Oliver said and Anastasia nodded. "I know. I just-I haven't used them in so long. How do I even know if they'll work when I try it?" Anastasia asked.

"They'll work. You know how to use them. You have in the past, even after you escaped. I know you did not fully give them up," Oliver said, Anastasia knew he was right. She hasn't used them over the last nine-ten years. "You're right. I'm gonna talk to them and then I need to get going," Anastasia said and she walked past her brother.

"You're going after it, aren't you?" Mike asked and Eleven had a concerned look on her face. "Yeah, but I'll be back before Hopper and Joyce. I promise," Anastasia said, even though didn't know she could keep that promise. She was so determined to kill it, that she didn't even know what limits she is going to push to succeed.

"You better keep that promise," Lucas said and Nancy came into the gym. "Ana, we gotta go," she said.

"I'll see you guys later, okay?" Anastasia said and as she stood up to walk away a hand grabbed hers. Anastasia looked back and saw Eleven. "Be careful," Eleven said and Anastasia smiled at her. "I will don't worry," Anastasia said and she walked towards the doorway. "I'll take care of them, don't worry," Oliver said and Anastasia told her brother a quick thank you. Nancy, Anastasia, and Jonathan left the middle school.

The trio arrived at the Byers household with everything in their hands. They had snuck into the police station before arriving. Now it was time to set the house up. They started to screw in the lightbulbs back into the Christmas lights. Then, they set up the bear traps and the trail of gasoline.

"I can't believe they are actually going after that monster," Mike said as he paced back and forth. "They'll be fine," Oliver reassured.

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