I laughed out loud before pulling my little sister in my arms. "See you tommorow. Take care of mom for me okay?" I say, knowing that our mother was still grieving our father's death. I was still grieving his death.

    "I will. Now off you go. Don't want to be late. That'd be crazy because you're only a mile away from the castle," May snickered before skipping down the hallway and to the front door to open the door for me.

     I quickly followed even with heels on. My feet were now comfortable in heels since I wore it so much in the Selection and even had to run in them several times. May held the door wide open for me to squeeze through with my wide dress. It took a couple tries but I managed and plopped down on the back of the limo and the escort gently closing the door then got in himself. He adjusted a couple mirrors before driving off towards the castle that was so close that I could see it from my house. It only took us barely a minute to even arrive at the palace but when we did, my heart started to ache as memories flooded me from the Selection.

    "Here we are. The Selecteds are to be in the Women's room, Lady America. You will get further instructions there. You are not to leave the room by any cause. Have a great day," The Escort explained then nodded before driving away to pick up other girls.

    I stood frozen, my feet stuck in the midair of a stairstep, and my heart ached like once before. Was I really doing this? What is Maxon found out I was pregnant? What i-

     "America! Is that you, you b****! Come here!" A voice shrilled behind me, making me turn around to find its source. Celeste. A grin surfaced from my hardened face and before we knew it we were hugging and laughing.

   "Celeste! Oh my god. It's been a while. How have you been? Oh my gods is that a wedding ring?" I gasp as I stare at her hand that had a wedding ring on it.

    "Engagement ring but yes we are to be married by Christmas," Celeste smirked, wiggling her hands.

    "Congrats. I'm glad you found someone that's a worthy opponent to you," I smile.

     "Oh he's a worthy opponent alright. So, how have you been? Come on, let's talk and walk," She says, linking arms with me and pulling me so we were walking up the stairs and to the grand door which was opened wide.

       "Not much. Nothing interesting has really happened after the...you know. My family moved to that house in the side of the castle and we've been working with the village near by. I work as a-," I was saying.

    "Yeah yeah, that's all nice but where's the tea?" Celeste raised her eyebrows. "Anyone who stole your heart yet?"

      Who's going to steal my heart thats already been stolen and locked away? I thought but didn't say out loud. "No tea. I think I'm laying low for a while," I say as we pass through the foyer and into the Women's room. As soon as we passed through the door of the Women's room, we were greeted by screams and tackles.

    "Oh my gosh! America!" Marlee gushed, squeezing the life out of me.

     I grin back and hugged her as tightly but then noticed something. "Oh my god. You're pregnant???" I stare at her bulging stomach.

     Marlee blushed and laughed. "Yep...boy the doctor say. I'm only two months along. I guess it happened on our wedding night. Carter is enthusiastic. I am a bit nervous for the labor but also excited to meet our first child," Marlee smiled, caressing her baby bump.

   I unconciously caressed mine but then quickly placed my hand to my side. "That's amazing, Marlee! Congrats. I'm happy for both of you," I smile, hugging her gently.

   "Oh thank you. Come on, let's join the others," Marlee smiled, linking arms with me and walking to the other girls.

    It turns out most of the Selecteds were already engaged or married minus Elise, Natalie, and me. The ones who were eliminated early even had children! Everyone chatted excitedly, catching up on news of each other and relieving memories of friendship. We didn't get far because Kriss walked in.

    The girls immiediately screeched before hurling themselves at her with compliments and just talk. I stayed seated in my plushed chair and watched the crowd. Kriss looked beautiful as always and glowing. Her hand bore a beautiful engagement ring that shimmered under the light. I gulped and looked away.

    "Oh, America! Is that you?" Kriss gushed, rushing to me and pulling me into a hug.

     I smile and hug back. Kriss had become a dear friend of mine before Maxon chose her. She still was a friend of mine. "Hi, Kriss. You look lovely," I smile.

     "Thank you. As do you. Come come! Everyone, please head to your old Selection rooms where your maids await to get you clothed for the wedding. It starts in an hour so let's not dilly dally. See you all there!" Kriss announced before walking gracefully out the room.

    I sigh, getting up from the chair and following the girls to the Selecteds rooms. I knew my way to my room and didn't take long to find it. Aspen was posted in front of door. Nothing had changed of him. Except he was now general and also was engaged to Lucy. When I heard the news I was more than happy for the two of the closest friends I had. They deserved to be happy together.

    "Mer," Aspen smiled, opening the door. He waved at Lucy who was inside and who blushed before waving him off and rushing to me. The other two girls followed close behind.

     And there I was. Back in the palace. Back to the place where I found then lost my heart. The place I would watch the love of my life give his heart to someone else and the place where my heart would crumble once again. Wish me luck...





Maxerica: The One That Got AwayWhere stories live. Discover now