27:so you call that a friendship?

ابدأ من البداية

We were just in quietness still shocked after previous move I did, I could here moving next to me "are you guys ok?" ,I quickly turned my head and looked at her "we're o-ok" I said while biting my lip "oh ok just checking, and I have a question, well actually two".

"Sure ,go on" I said quietly,I looked at the boys with fear in my eyes ,"well my first question is did I sleep on your chest and my second question is did you kiss me on the forehead, or was I just hallucinating" ,it just got quiet "w-well the first question is yes,you did sleep on my chest" I said biting my nails.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" She said in embarrassment ,I laughed "it's ok ,and the second question. I-im very confused cause I didn't kiss your forehead maybe you were hallucinating" ,she looked at me confused "oh uh ok well let's change the subject. What do you guys wanna do since this is particularly your guys' house".

We all just started thinking,after a bit of thinking she looked like she was getting impatient ,I had to think of something "well do you guys wanna play truth or dare?" I said quickly, "that's a perfect game Viccy" she said laughing.

That's a sound I wanna hear for my whole life.

"Alrighty then lets get started" damiano said.
                     Your pov:
After playing a couple games of truth or dare I got extremely tired ,"uh I think I'm gonna get going now ,so can someone drop me off at my house?", They all looked at me confused "well why dont you wanna stay here" ,"well I mean I can stay here if you guys want me to".

They all looked excited ,"of course we want you here,I'll show you where my room is, follow me" Vic said excitedly ,we both got up from the floor as I began to follow her.

She walked pretty fast but when we got to her room she opened the door and I do have to say ,her room is very clean ,it's even better than mine.

I walked to the bed and just plopped onto it ,"well you seem tired missy" she said with a smile on her face "I'm so tired,I can fall asleep right now" ,we both laughed "well, I'll leave you alone so get comfortable and I will be there in the morning and if you need something,you can come to me,ok".

I kinda wanted something else "uh wait! Can you actually stay here with me , please" ,"uh- well" ,I totally regretted my decision "you know what , forget I said that,I didn't say-" "no ,no,no! I will stay with you,I just need to take of my makeup. Ok?".

I was shocked "oh uh um ok" ,she left to go in the bathroom while I just slumped down in the bed and totally regretting what I said.

But I realized that I have to get in the bed and not just lay on the blankets for the rest of the night.

Right after I got comfortable in the bed Vic came out of the bathroom "well I thought you were sleeping miss", I laughed "well I was waiting for you" "oh,well perfect timing" she said and we both smiled.

She got in bed with me ,I turned my body to her "I missed you y/n" "well I've missed you too Vic" ,after a bit I got tired so I said goodnight to her and I finally went to sleep.
                     Vic's pov:
After y/n fell asleep,I felt kinda lonely ,I turned my body so that my face would be toward her back,after keeping my eyes open for a while I went to sleep.
                   The next day
                      Vic's pov:
I woke up,I was about to get up until I felt something heavy on me,I quickly looked down.

It was y/n cuddled up with me.

Her head was on my chest,and her arms were wrapped around my waist,I quickly layed back down,I felt like I was in heaven,my arms got heavy from keeping them up in the air so I just put them down.

She started to move around a bit,she didn't seem to calm down so I was just stroking through her soft hair.

She looked angelical, like she just came down from heaven.

After a bit of being on my phone she started to wake up "oh I'm sorry" she said quietly ,"no,no, no it's ok,you were fine right there,I was ok with it".

She looked embarrassed "so you're saying that I can go back into the position I was in?" ,I nodded but she immediately went back into cuddling with me,I laughed at her.

She decided to go on her phone too ,but then the door swung open ,y/n quickly got off of me. "Woah woah woah ,am I missing something!" Damiano said loudly ,I looked over at y/n.

It looked like she was biting her lip until she would start bleeding, "Damiano David ,get the fuck out now" I said to him ,he obviously would know what would happen to him if he didn't leave but he left immediately.

I turned my head to y/n ,her eyes were filled with fear and tears "I'm sorry" she said shakily , "there's no need to apologize".

For the next minutes we sat in radio silence ,"I'm gonna go downstairs" I said ,she didn't answer so I just went downstairs.
                     Your pov:
After Victoria left all I could do is cry.

I heard yelling downstairs,they were obviously fighting cause of me. Why do I mess everything thing up.

They finally stopped fighting.
                Damiano's pov:
We all helped make dinner except Vic ,and we did fight a bit ,"uh Vic can you please get y/n" Ethan said ,"no, damiano go get her" "whatever,I'll go" I said annoyed

I went upstairs and knocked on the door,I heard a little quiet 'come in' ,I put my hand the door knob and turned it.

All I saw was y/n asleep,she has to eat so I obviously had to wake her up ,"y/n" I said softly while shaking her ,she woke up and started to groan "let me sleep" "no ,it's dinner time".

She turned her body away from me ,"five more minutes,please" "no you're getting up now" I said pulling her arm ,I heard a little 'fine', she finally got out of bed and fixed her hair.

We went downstairs ,all eyes were on us ,we just stopped walking "why are you guys staring at us" I said so that they would stop staring at us ,they didn't answer "lets just go eat dinner please,I'm starving" y/n said impatiently ,"lets go".
                     Your pov:
We all sat in quietness while we were eating dinner ,after that damiano suggested that we should watch a movie. So we all said sure.

The boys were crouched together and the only space for me to sit in was with Vic, "can you scooch a bit" I said while whispering "no,I like sitting at the end of the couch" Ethan said  sassily ,"well so do I!" "Yeah,and that place is next to Victoria".

I scoffed and slumped down in the couch,well they didn't tell me what kind of movie this is. But lets just say that is was a horror movie,I absolutely hated horror movies.

The most scariest scene came up on the screen,I flinched and screamed ,I flinched so badly that I landed up on Vic ,she laughed a little,the boys looked at me.

They all just started laughing,my chest was going up and down nonstop,and I was shaking,Vic put her arms around my shaking body as I snuggled in the crook or her neck.

I nervously gulped "I never want to watch this movie again"  I said shakily ,"well ,do you wanna go upstairs,and go to bed" ,I nodded ,she told the boys that we'll be doing something real quick.

We both went upstairs to the bedroom ,we got into the bedroom as I slumped down in the bed and sighed "alrighty then,get comfortable in bed ,and if you need anything,you can go and get me,ok?" ,I got up from the bed cause she was about to leave "wait" ,she turned around as I ran to her and put my lips on her lips.

We both broke the kiss "i-im sorry I-" ,she kissed me to  interuppted me,we kept on kissing,I pulled her waist as she pulled me in more.

We got interuppted by the door knocking,Vic broke the kiss and we both started to breathe heavily ,we both stared in each other's eyes and smiled ,"what are you guys doing in there!" Yelled damiano,we both laughed "none of your business" I said while laughing, "So is this what you call a friendship?!?!" He yelled back at me.
Well lets just say, I don't know if we have a friendship or not.
The end.
Well hey guys,long time no see,it was great going to write. I haven't been able to do anything really cause I have a party this weekend and a concert, so I will be very busy and I don't know when the next story will be,but I hope you guys liked the story and have a great day or night, bye bye.
Love, ally ❤️

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