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I'm not very good at writing so don't judge
Mary's POV
I arrived in France 3 days ago. There had been no sign of francis . Catherine Said he was busy but he could still greet me right?
I mean I will marry him one day and he couldn't even bother to see me . I have missed him so much . Didnt he miss me too? We were such good friends when I left. Did he real-
My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door
„Queen Mary, her majesty Queen Catherine has summoned you to her chambers" a servant said
„I will there in a minute" I replied as I made my way to her. I knocked and entered her chambers . She was sitting at her table as she turned to look at me .
„Hello Mary, how do you like it here?" she asked
„Well francis is avoiding me but other than that I feel totally at home" I replied in a slightly sarcastic tone.
She sighed and said „He isn't ignoring you he's just busy"
„Catherine he is avoiding me and I don't know Why"  I said
„I wish I could give you an answer" she said
„I will be going for a walk" I said and turned to go.
„Alright" she said as I closed the door.
I went outside the castle and felt the cold breeze on my skin. I dicided to go into the woods. I have been told not to go there unsupervised but I didn't really care . As I was walking through the forest , an arrow suddenly flew past me ,barely missing my shoulder. As I looked up to see who it was I saw a tall man with a hood.
„You could've hit me!" I said
„You shouldn't be in the woods alone at this hour" he replied in a low voice
„Same goes for you" I said crossing my arms
„I can protect myself" he replied
„So can I !" I said .
„Sure you Can." he said and turned to walk away. I sneeked up to him and pulled his hood down revealing his blond curls. As he turned to look at me I gasped.
„Francis?" I asked. He sighed.
„Fine you caught me" he said.
„What are you doing in the forest at this hour?" I asked . He scoffed.
„I could ask you the same thing" he said
„Well why have you been avoiding me?" I asked in an angry tone.
„I wasn't avoiding you" he looked down.
„Oh really?" I asked
„Ok fine I was but I wasn't trying to hurt you or something. You have changed so much over the years and I guess I was nervous. I'm sorry" he said .
„It's fine , I just thought you were mad at me" I Said with a sigh.
„No I'm not . Let me walk you back to your chambers . It really is dangerous at night"he said
„Ok thank you" I said as we walked back in silence. I couldn't help but notice how much had changed. He was a lot taller than me , he grew his hair out and his eyes were just gorgeous. He was gorgeous. I hoped he thought I was pretty too. We would be king and queen one day . I would be the queen of France and he would be my king. I wonder what it would be like to rule with him by my side . I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realize we had arrived already. He brought me to my chambers .
„Here we are „ he said
„Thank you francis and don't avoid me again"I said with a chuckle .
„ I won't I promise" he also chuckled .
I closed the door and went to sleep thinking about today.
So this was the first chapter . I don't know if I will continue this story or if people will read it but I like writing it so I hope you like reading it .
Peace out 🕊

Long live the queenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt