5 2 2

"WHAT!?" Francescas' voice rung through the halls of my fathers mansion.

Two weeks ago, my father passed away after getting in a car accident.

We finally were able to receive the papers where my father wrote his heritage, and they were gonna be given to us today.

Francesca - my step mother - has been going on non-stop, for the past week, about finally receiving my fathers fashion business 'red feathers' and shoving it in my face.

"This cannot be happening! How is this true?? Carmen, honey, go get me my glasses there must be a mistake!" Francesca shrieked, her high pitched voice going even higher, if that was even possible.

I struted down the stairs, in an over-sized Nirvana t-shirt, with short black sweat-shorts.

"What's up with all the yelling?" I asked yawning, I've only been up for ten minutes, and instead of having a peaceful morning for once, it was yet again ruined by my lovely step mother.

As those words left my mouth, my step brother, Carmen, entered the hall my step mother was stood in, looking me up and down.

"Look at her Carmen! Just look at her! What is she wearing! Do you really think someone like her could run a fashion business as big as my husbands'?!" Francesca said, tutting at me, while carmen just sat there, shaking his head side to side.

But the real question here is, what was she wearing?! Why was she wearing a tight tiger print dress with red fur all over the sleave and the torso at 8:36 am?!

"That certainly isn't a dress from my fathers collection" i said under my breath, careful for her not to hear.

"What about we make her give us the business mama? We both know a lazy girl like her isn't gonna be able to last a day!" Carmen said in his heavy french accent, cooling himself up with his flower-print hand fan.

"Carmen, she of course will not just give us the buisiness without at least a little price for herself! She might be very stupid but not that much!" Jee thanks step mother.

"Eleonore, sweety! How about you give us the business and you still get 5% of the gains?" Francesca said in a sweet voice, that could give me diarrhea.

"Uhm, excuse me? I of course will not be taking that so called offer from you, just leave me alone and accept the fact that dad gave me the business!" I said, annoyed.

"Eleonore, we both know that you DO NOT like fashion. yes you might have great style, and are an impeccable model with an amazing cat walk and amazing on stage performance, but you do not have the talent nor energy to be able to design some dresses! Me and your step mother are very close friends, and discussed this yesterday, since there was a chance of you getting the fashion business" one of the maids in my mansion said

"Uhm thank you i guess" my step mother francesca said, trying to smile but all the Botox failing her "which one are you again?" My step mother said, causing me to snort.

The maid gave me one nasty look before going back to whatever she was doing.

"Who was that peasant?" Carmen said laughing, his laugh still somehow having a french accent to it.

"Whoever she is thinks I'm her friend, fortunately i do not make friends with the poor, the lower class if you must" Francesca said laughing, but looking like a dying hyena with the botox forbidding her from any facial expression whatsoever.

"I'm just gonna go eat breakfast" i said rubbing my eyes, heading to the kitchen door.

"No, you aren't going anywhere!" Francesca said, blocking the door with her figure "we still have much to discuss, young lady, don't think I'm just going to let you take the business from moi so easily!"

"Leave her alone, if she wanted to give you the business she would've!" Someone said from behind me.

I turned around, already knowing who the voice belonged to, it was kwen, my adopted brother.

I gave him a grateful smile , to which he returned.

Carmen looked at the both of us, then rolled his eyes "come on mama, let's not waist our time on dirt like such, Eleonore will realise sooner or later that she cannot handle a business like this one." He said, walking away in french.

Francesca looked at the both of us, her vision lingering a while longer on kwen as she smirked at him a terrifying smirk that promised no good, then walked away as if she owned the world.

"I don't really think she likes you Kwen, watch out" i said sarcastically, like it wasn't obvious, fake trembling in my ground.

Kwen looked at me and chuckled, responding with "good, cz that feeling is mutual, now go eat elle, they made your favorite" he said as he walked out.

Did i mention Kwen is gay? No? Well he is, and he is currently crushing on one of his best friends, ron, who is giving him mixed signs.

But that didn't matter right now, because the smell of waffles, chocolate, and fruit was already playing with my brains.


A/N: first chapter!! What do we think? Remember to eat and drink water! Ilysm nd please vote and comment, it means alot!! <33

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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