the day of the big reveal

Start from the beginning

Mia- Eli, that's quite enough, and anyway how do you know this?

Eli- well you and dad aren't quite  the well quiet ones you know

*Hermione's face was redder than the Weasleys hair because of embarrassment and so was Draco's because he also heard what she said., which did not go unnoticed by Chloe

Chloe- hey babe you ok why are you so red?

Draco- oh nothing must be because of the heat

Chloe- oh ok

*just then Hermione's phone rang

Mia- hello who is it

Cissa- hello mione, dear how are you?

Mia- oh, hi Cissa, im fine, how are you?

*Draco's head shot up at the mention of his mom's nickname, that only close people called her.

Cissa- oh i'm fine dear

Mia- so, what's up?

Cissa- oh nothing, i just want you to look up

* before Hermione could question Scorp said

Scorp- Mom is that the-

Mia- The Malfoy helicopter, yea

Chloe- wait the Malfoy Helicopter?

Mia- yea, Draco, Cissa and Lucy are here.(only Hermione can call Lucius that, he has gotten a certain liking towards his daughter-in  law)

Draco- when are you going to stop calling my dad Lucy?

Mia- never, i mean he does not let anyone else call him that so why not abuse that power, yea.

Chloe- what, why can Beaver call your Father that?

Mia- because i know him way more than you will ever know, heck i think i know him even more than his own son.

Draco- ya it's true.

*just the Narcissa and Lucius come down to them

Cissa- hi Hermione, sweetheart* she hugs Mia

Lucy- hi Mia* he also hugs Mia

Mia- hey Lucy

Draco- Hello! You guys also have a son

Cissa and Lucy- hey Draco, and no we did not forget, it's just that we have seen you longer that we seen Hermione so.

Draco- hmm, ok fair play

Lucius- and you must be Chloe* he shakes her hand*

Chloe- yes, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy

Lucius thinks- ugh i need to dip my hand in bleach after this(like father, like son)

Cissa- yes, yes i hope you will take care of my son

Chloe- yes of course

Lucius- *under his breath- not that you need to, Mia is more than capable to.

Chloe- did you say something Mr. Malfoy?

Lucy- no, nothing

Draco- well, mother, father would you care to join us for dinner?

Cissa and Lucy-  yea sure*they could see Mia tense up at the mention of dinner because of the nervousness that everything would flop last minute.

Cissa- hey Mia can i talk to you alone please

Mia- yea sure

*they go to a more secluded place away from prying ears.

Mia- yea what's up?

Cissa- oh nothing just wanted to tell you that everyone is here at the hotel so there is no need to worry Mia

Mia-- oh i'm not worried, why do you think they call me the brightest witch of her age

 Cissa- Mia there is no need to lie to me, i saw you tense up when Draco mention about dinner, but you are right about one thing

Mia- what?

Cissa- they don't call you the brightest witch of her age for nothing

Mia- thanks Cissa

Cissa- ok then let's get back, Draco might think i have kidnapped to to go shopping with me and that Lucius is on the verge of hexing that Chloe girl.

Mia- ya lets go

Draco- where were you guys, Mia i thought mom took you to go shopping with her again and the last time that happen you two bought back at least 20 bags each and almost fell down from  exhaustion , your guys husbands were not happy

Mia- ya that was a fun day, wasn't it Cissa

Cissa- ya it was, anyways it's getting late we should go get ready for dinner right?

everyone- ya.

*status- edited

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