"Hey, do you still play guitar?"

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CW: This includes smut and drug references/use

You wake up to your alarm blaring in your ear, "mmM" you groan reaching your hand out and turning it off. "Fuckin hell. What time is it" you say, you grab you're clock and quickly sit up "SHIT!" You yell waking Eddie up "Jesus what time is it?" He groans "ITS FUCKING 10 AM" you yell making him sit up annoyed "ok?" "What do you mean ok? We have school idiot" you say scrambling around the room looking for clothes, "it's Saturday idiot" he replies squinting at you. You fall to the floor in relief, "oh my god, I'm an idiot" you say dropping your head into your hands "yea yea now come back into bed" he groans laying back down, motioning you to come back. You walk back over and slide back in and crawl into his arms, "you're funny when you panic you know? You were so scared of missing school" he laughs, "shut up" you giggle.

"Mmm I'm hungry" you say getting back up. "I could go for some pancakes" Eddie replies looking up at you with a smile. "Pancakes it is" you smile back.

You get up out of the bed to undress and throw on an old oversized band shirt, you pick up a shirt and throw it at Eddie "here put that on, don't know if it'll actually fit but it's better than yesterday's dirty shirt" you say, "thanks" Eddie replies taking his shirt off. You look him up, god he has an amazing body. His V line, oh my god.
"Like what you see?" He jokes, "yea. I do" you reply walking out of the room and into the kitchen.

Small time skip

"These are amazing" Eddie says stuffing his face with a pancake, "thanks" you laugh. "Hey, do you still play guitar?" You ask turning to Eddie, "uh yea why?" He says with his mouth still full of food. "Can I.. watch you play?" You ask, "yea sure" he smiles. "Can I watch you play, now..?" "Yea alright sweetheart" he scoffs getting up from the couch, "follow me" he bows down to you, hand out with a smile, you hold onto his hand and he guides you out to his trailer.

"Uh it's probably gonna be messy inside, so don't mind the mess please" he says opening the door. He leads you in, it's not as messy as he made it out to be. "Ok you wait just here, I'll come get you in a second" Eddie says shutting the door behind him and walking down the hall to his room, he closes the door but you can hear him rustling around. He's cleaning his room? That's probably what he meant by mess. The door bursts open, "ok you may now enter" he says bowing and motioning you to come in.

When you walk in the first thing you see is the guitar, strung up in front of a mirror on a dirty desk. It's black, with red marble cracks on the body, it has sharp corners almost imitating a bat with a black neck. "Oh my god, it's beautiful" you compliment walking towards the desk, "it sounds amazing too, the cost was totally worth it" he replies. "How much was it? Would've cost a fortune." You ask "around 500, took me months to save up for it", "yea I bet!". You turn back to him, "ok now, play me something" you say enthusiastically, he smiles and lets out a quiet laugh "alright alright, got any songs in mind?" He asks whilst grabbing the guitar, "hmm how about Paranoid" you say "black sabbath?" He smiles, "of course" his face brightens and a his smile grew bigger.

You both sit down on his bed, he plugs the guitar into the amp putting in the right settings and starts to get comfortable. "Ready?" He asks still smiling. "Yes" you reply, boom. Oh. My. God. He's incredible. 'Can you help me?.. Occupy my braain' you hum along to Eddies strumming, "I can hear you're humming sweetheart" he laughs, "oh sorry, I didn't even realise I was humming" you chuckle. "Make a joke, and I will sigh" he sings, "and you will laugh and I will cry" you laugh. Eddie laughs and continues "Happiness I cannot feel, and love to me is so unreal!" He laugh-sings (he's like doin both) "dunn dun dun dududududududu! Dunnnn dun dun dududududu" you hum "And so as you hear these words, Telling you now of my state. I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could, but it's too late!" You both laugh-sing.

Eddie ends the song, "who knew Y/N, Y/L/N could sing, let alone even know black sabbath" he smiles putting the guitar down. "I'm full of surprises" you smile leaning in on Eddie, Eddie goes in for a kiss but you pull away still smiling. "Awww" he groans also still smiling, you lift up your hand dangling a bag of weed. "I'm also quick with my hands you know" you say, Eddie lets out a laugh "full of surprises..".

Eddie rolls a joint up, lights it and takes a puff then passes it to you. "You know I never took you for a freak" Eddie scoffs, you take a hit "guess I'm good at hiding it then eh?" You say passing him the joint. "Yea I guess so" he says with a smug smirk.

After around 2 hours, we're both high as shit and bored.

"I'm fuckin bored" Eddie says, "same, and hungry" you reply. "Munchies?" "Munchies." "aight I think we have some chips" "omg yes those sound amazing". You quickly get up from the bed and walk out of the room into the kitchen, Eddie behind you.

You swing the cupboard doors open and you lock eyes with the chip bag, "never have I ever been so happy to see a bag of chips" you say grabbing the chip bag and ripping it open. "Heey save me some, sweetheart" Eddie says digging his hand in the bag, you giggle and kiss Eddie "of course rockstar" you smile.

"Kinda horny now" you say staring at Eddie, "oh?" He says with a grin. "But I'm really craving some.. extra lovin" you wink, "wow very up front Y/L/N" Eddie smirks. You giggle and run up to the phone and dial Steves number.

"Hi Steve, it's Y/N"
"Oh hey Y/N, you need something?"
"Uh yeaa, come over to Eddies place. We're bored and a little horny"
"Um, ok sure. Yea ok uh trailer park right?"
"Yup, see you soon"
You hang up.

You spin around to Eddie with a big smile on your face, "we're gonna have a fun time" you laugh walking up to Eddie.

To be continued because this is already really long (sorry)

Eddie Munson x Fem Y/N x Steve HarringtonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang