Dear Sister Back In Town

Start from the beginning

(Klaus opens a pair of doors and enters the room.)

Klaus: Enough with all the shouting. Little sister, I should have known. I assume the six dead vampires were your doing?Rebekah: They were very rude.

(The shots alternate between Rebekah calmly explaining what happened, and flashbacks to her at a bar, impaling vampires violently with a pool stick.)

Rebekah: Trying to victimize a poor, innocent girl just trying to find her way to the Quarter. So sorry, were they friends of yours? Oh, that's right, you don't have any friends.Klaus: I do have friends. I have Marcel. You remember him, don't you? Yes, of course you do. He fancies himself the 'King of the Quarter' now, and he has these rules about killing vampires. It'll be fun to see what sort of punishment he comes up with for you.Rebekah: I don't care about Marcel or his rules. Elijah doesn't welch on deals. What did you do to him?Klaus: Perhaps he's on holiday... or taking a long autumn nap upstairs. Well, go on. Take a look around. You remember this house as well as I.

(Rebekah, who had gotten up to leave the room, turns back to Klaus.)

Rebekah: I remember everything.

(Rebekah walks through a doorway into a room filled with people dressed in their finery for some sort of party. They nod at Rebekah as she passes.)

Rebekah: (voiceover) I remember how the drunken fool of a governor hid away all of our vampire sins in exchange for gold. I remember the lavish parties the governor threw, as if to impress you.

(Rebekah watches Klaus as she leaves the room with two ladies. She then turns her attention to a young man, whom she kisses chastely.)

Rebekah: I remember finding a moment of affection with the governor's son, Emil. And I remember that even Elijah was happy.

(Upstairs, Elijah kisses a Creole woman while further down the hall Klaus finishes off the ladies he had left with earlier.)

Celeste: Your brother. He's gone too far.Elijah: Niklaus, there is no hope for you, is there?

(Rebekah joins them, Emil in tow.)

Rebekah: Are we interrupting?Klaus: Yes.Elijah: No.Rebekah: Dearest Elijah. You've only ever wished happiness for me. Emil and I are in love. Please, let me turn him.

(Klaus chuckles.)

Elijah: Rebekah, the governor has graciously agreed to hide a lot of our... indiscretions. It would not do to turn his son into one of us.Rebekah: Please. For me.Klaus: It's not going to happen, Sister. If we turned every man you dropped your knickers for, then human beings would cease to exist and we'd have no bloody food.Emil: How dare you, sir! You would do well to treat –

(Klaus grabs Emil by the neck and forcibly walks him down the hallway.)

Elijah: Brother –Rebekah: Niklaus!Elijah: Niklaus, wait!Rebekah: NO!

(Klaus ignores them and throws Emil off the balcony, whence he falls several storeys and apparently dies instantly. Elijah holds a sobbing Rebekah while Klaus walks off.)

NEW ORLEANS – PRESENT DAYKlaus: Well, he wasn't good enough for you.Rebekah: No one was ever good enough for me, Nik, you made sure of that. Now where is Elijah?

(Klaus' phone starts buzzing. He checks it, stands and moves to leave.

Rebekah: Where are you going?Klaus: It appears the night is not quite over, yet. I'm off for another drink with Marcel.Rebekah: Elijah told me about your plan to take apart Marcel's empire piece by piece. I don't remember it involving you two drinking New Orleans dry together.Klaus: I know you don't have many friends, Rebekah, but what some friends do when they get together is they drink. And when they drink, they tell secrets. Marcel has somehow found a way to control the entirety of witches in the Quarter, and I aim to uncover the 'how' so I might take it for myself. Finding Elijah didn't make my to-do list today.

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