Chapter two: Pieces in Place

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Huī Fēng POV
When we finally arrived at the battle we found the city in utter chaos. Those who hadn't already evacuated were running away from the monster, which appeared to be a looming demon with bandage-like appendages and an "X" shaped scar over its left eye.
"Look at that scar..... that poor thing they must have gone through one hell of a battle to get that...." I murmured lowering my hook swords slightly as I gazed upwards in pity. MK sighed harshly and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Huī I know that you believe that these demons have some good in them but this guy is destroying the city and hurting innocent people, we have to stop it, we can ask for it's life story later." He said seriously and I sighed and nodded.
"You don't have to remind me what our job is, I just think it's important to acknowledge that these demons are people too, with their own stories and histories. This one for example was probably a great warrior at one point who lost to a stronger opponent and that's why they're attacking us, to prove their worth against a strong opponent like you. There's no point in fighting an opponent who you don't acknowledge." I said glaring slightly at him. Being so absorbed in our conversation neither of us noticed notice the figure on the rooftops also pause at my words, a paw ghosting over his left eye. We did however notice when the hulking brute turned to us and reached out and grabbed me, snapping my hook swords in their hand like twigs.
"Hey! I was renting those!" I yelled as I fought against the hand that was holding me. Then I noticed that my kwoon which was unfortunate enough to be in this area was destroyed by one of the demon's bandages. I groaned and flopped slightly in the demon's hand.
"Oh come on! I was just about to get the next belt at my next tournament!" I yelled as I struggled in the grip before realizing that I wasn't being harmed as it raised me towards the demon's face, tilting their head to regard me. I stilled slightly as the demon examined me. W-why aren't they hurting me? I wondered with a frown. I was shaken from my reverie by a vaguely familiar voice calling out to me.
"You may want to duck kiddo!" I instinctively ducked as a familiar dark furred monkey soared over my head and brought a spiked staff down on the demon's head, causing it to drop me. I was instantly caught and held tightly as Mr. Macaque brought me down to a rooftop, setting me down safely.
"Um... thanks sir." I thanked the simian awkwardly. He reached out and patted my head almost affectionately.
"Any time kiddo I'm just glad I got here fast enough to get you out safely, this ancient demon is no joke." Mr. Macaque said glancing back up at the looming figure.
"Hey want to see something cool?" He asked shooting me a grin. I nodded somewhat hesitantly and he turned to the demon, brandishing his spiked staff. He twirled the staff around himself the swirling air around him building up into a whirlwind, causing me to cover my face from the sheer force of the wind, once the wind had built up enough Mr. Macaque pointed the staff at the demon's face and unleashed the torrent of wind at them. The demon was hit by the whirlwind and turned into a cloudlike shape before escaping, not that I was surprised that they ran away, the wind was so powerful that I had to drop to the roof to avoid being blown away myself. When the wind finally died down and it was safe for me to get back up I noticed Macaque staring after the demon with a dissatisfied expression. I hurried up to him admittedly buzzing with excitement at what I'd just seen.
"That was amazing! I wish I could do something like that!" I exclaimed my eyes shining.
"Well you know, with a little training you probably could." He said leaning on his staff casually. I let out a rueful chuckle and responded, "As tempting as it sounds I think it would make more sense for someone like MK or Mei to get that kind of training, after all they're the 'chosen ones' you know?" Mr. Macaque looked like he was about to respond when my foster brother's voice cut him off.
"Monkey King! Oh thank the gods! Thanks for saving my little sister, I don't know what I'd do if she got hurt- oh... you're not Monkey King.... This is awkward...." MK babbled I chuckled slightly and stepped forward as Mr. Macaque chuckled and brushed him off saying he got that a lot.
"MK this is Mr. Macaque, or The Six Eared Macaque if you want to get technical about it, Mr. Macaque, this is my foster brother-" I started to introduce them when Mr.Macaque interrupted me.
"Monkie Kid right?" He asked and MK gasped excitedly and asked, "You know who I am?!" Mr. Macaque chuckled quietly and pointed to the staff in my foster brother's hands.
"The staff kinda gives you away, not just anyone can use that thing, and Huī you can just call me Macaque 'Mr' and 'Sir' are just so formal." He said with an easy going grin.
"Wait do you two know each other?" MK asked looking between us with a confused and almost hurt expression. I shrugged and explained our interaction when I brought Macaque's noodles yesterday. MK nodded, looking a little lost in thought for a moment before Macaque turned to me with a gentle smile and said, "Anyway I'm glad you're safe kiddo,but I should get going, see you two." He started to walk off, walking along the edge of the roof. MK shook himself out of his thoughts and zipped in front of Macaque with stars in his eyes and asked if he could teach him how to do that awesome thing with the wind. Like I said, chosen one. I thought quietly to myself feeling almost sullen as I watched on as Macaque defended that Monkey King probably wouldn't mind if he trained MK for a little while, after all you can never have too many teachers and it's not like Monkey King would want to hold MK back. At the part where Macaque mentioned Monkey King holding MK back I noticed him grip his staff a little tighter. I should ask him about his training later, see if he wants to tell me what he tried to yesterday before I snapped at him. I thought guiltily as I noticed my foster brother's thinly veiled attempt to hide his conflicted feelings at the mention of his simian mentor.
"You're right! He'd be totally cool with it!" MK exclaimed and Macaque nodded.
"Well in that case we can meet up at my kwoon tomorrow," the dark furred simian turned to leave before pausing and making eye contact with me over his shoulder and adding, "And make sure to bring your sister."

The next day rolled around and I led MK up to the door of the ramshackle kwoon. MK knocked enthusiastically and Macaque opened the door with a smile.
"Glad you could make it!" We entered the main room and I gazed around in interest. The inside of the Kwoon was like a mix between a temple and a warehouse. There were pipes and industrial materials making up the walls with ancient looking paintings on each of the weapon-lined walls.
"So, welcome to my humble abode, you can put down anything you need to over by the wall." Macaque said pointing to a spot to the left. I walked over and sat down as MK put down a water bottle. Macaque and MK squared up with each other and looked like they were about to get started when Macaque looked at me and raised an eyebrow.
"What are you doing over there? Get in here I'm training you too." He said and I stared at him in slight astonishment. I blinked a couple times before stuttering out, "B-but I don't even have a weapon.... My hook swords got broken yesterday...." He chuckled and walked over to one of the weapon stands against the far wall and tossed me a spiked bo staff. Luckily after years of living with MK and being friends with Mei my reflexes had gotten good enough to catch it.
"You know how to use one of those?" Macaque asked me and I nodded slightly, feeling dumbfounded.
"I mean.... MK, Mei, and I used to play Monkey King when we were kids with brooms so I have some experi-" I cut myself off as I realized how embarrassing my statement had just been. Why did I just SAY THAT?!?!?!?!?!?! I shrieked internally as I moved to square up next to a sniggering MK.
"I'd quit laughing at your sister MK it's embarrassing for you too." Macaque said with a tiny smirk. I shot a smug smile at my foster brother as he pouted in response. We got into fighting positions and started to train.

MK was slammed down next to me by Macaque for the hundredth time. I groaned and levered myself onto my elbows, gasping as the weight of my bo staff fell onto my stomach.
"Today wasn't great guys." Macaque said and I winced at the edge of disappointment in his tone. I clambered up, wincing at my sore ribs as I helped MK to stand.
"Important lessons to remember, don't be so nice, your enemies aren't going to be nice or polite to you so don't bother being nice to them. Don't hold back against anyone, you have power, use it, your first strike should be your last in every battle." Macaque said his golden eyes boring into ours. I looked down slightly, gritting my teeth at the part about having power. MK however nodded eagerly and insisted that he could do more. I noticed Macaque turn his head to me but I looked away, not wanting to meet his eyes, worried that he might see some lingering bitterness hidden in them. MK and I moved to gather up our things but a paw on my shoulder stopped me.
"Hūi I want you to stay and train with me a little longer, you need to know how to handle that staff or you're going to hurt yourself..... and everyone around you, you already broke my favorite flower pot." Macaque said pointing to a smashed vase on the floor.
"Sorry......" I muttered with a wince. I sent MK a questioning glance and he responded with an enthusiastic nod.
"You should totally train more! If you get good enough we can spar together at home!" He exclaimed and I felt a smile make its way onto my face at the thought of spending more time together. I turned around to Macaque, brandishing my new weapon, and grinned.
"What've you got?" I asked earning a chuckle from my new teacher.

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