12|Paint You

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Jihoon waited patiently as he was sipping on the hot cup of coffee he received for free. The cafe owner, Yoshi, was busy preparing his cold drink. It was a mint chocolate chip flavored milkshake. Jihoon also added some donuts to be able to somewhat pay for the free coffee that Yoshi was insistent on not letting him pay.

While he waited, a guy entered the cafe. He wore glasses and was carrying a bag with him that was shaped like a tube. He walked towards the counter and sat by the same row of chairs near Jihoon.

Jihoon noticed the newcomer but didn't say anything. He saw the bag the guy carried to which he believed was the type of bag that artists carry around. It was designed like that for papers to not be folded or bent in order for them to fit into a bag and be carried around without the fear of destroying their art. Jihoon turned away from the guy and looked at the photos his camera captured from the wedding last night.

"Hey, Asahi." Yoshi greeted in Japanese.

The guy, Asahi, nodded in reply to Yoshi. Jihoon thought the barista would be upset by the lack of verbal response but he just smiled even more.

"Here, you go. A mint chocolate chip milkshake for..." Yoshi said as he placed down a beautifully decorated milkshake drink.

"Jihoon, my name is Jihoon." the photographer said with a courteous smile.

He looked at the milkshake and wanted to laugh or cry. It looked too expensive. It seemed Yoshi put too much effort into it than the price Jihoon was going to pay it with.

As the two conversed, Asahi took a quick glance at the guy Yoshi has befriended. When he looked at Jihoon, his eyes widened upon seeing his face. Jihoon felt someone was looking at him, so he turned to Asahi. Their eyes met and Asahi felt a jolt of electricity spark and tingle his fingertips. The sight of Jihoon made him want to take out his art supplies and paint him right there.

Jihoon smiled to the quiet person.

"Jihoon..." Asahi repeated his name in a whisper.

"Is there anything else you would like? Shall I ask the chef to make you some mint chocolate chip flavored donuts too?" Yoshi asked as he neatly placed the plate of donuts in front of Jihoon.

"Um, no, I'm good. But thank you for the kind offer." Jihoon said with a slight bow while seated.

He took a sip of the milkshake and his eyes widened over how delicious it tasted. Heck, he would even cry tears of joy. It tasted like heaven to him. He loved the mint chocolate chip flavor so much that he would always buy the same ice cream flavor of it back at South Korea, even though there were various of other delicious flavors.

Yoshi wanted to talk to Jihoon some more but he had to attend to Asahi's order too.

"What can I get you Asahi? The usual or are would you like to try to something new?" Yoshi asked.

Asahi was stuck in a daze gazing at Jihoon. He reluctantly tore his eyes away from him to answer the barista.

"The usual please." Asahi said.

"Okay, coming right up!" Yoshi said and quickly went to prepare his drink.

It wasn't long before Jihoon finished everything. He hadn't eaten breakfast when he left the hotel so he gobbled the milkshake and donuts fast. He was satisfied and stood up to pay for his food so he can leave.

Before he could do so, he felt a hand on his wrist. He looked down to see who was holding him suddenly. It was Asahi.

"Wait, can I paint you?" Asahi asked gripping onto Jihoon's hand.

"Uhh..." Jihoon didn't know how to reply to that.

First, he was a stranger and they just barely talked to each other. Second, it was the first time he was asked of such a request.

"I'm sorry." Jihoon managed to say. He decided to turn down the offer. "I have someplace to be so I can't stay here any longer. I'm sorry. Maybe next time?" Jihoon said and bowed in apology.

Asahi looked absolutely saddened by his words. His hold on Jihoon loosened to which the latter took the chance to gently step back and proceed to the cashier. He paid for his food and left the cafe.

Yoshi came back with Asahi's drink. When he placed it down he immediately noticed Jihoon's absence.

"Where's Jihoon?" Yoshi asked.

"He left." Asahi muttered.

"What?!" Yoshi looked at him in disbelief. "But he didn't even say goodbye. I didn't also got his number. Or asked where he lived." Yoshi sulked, he went to the cups and plates Jihoon left behind.

He picked up the glass that was once filled with milkshake and held it like he was hugging it.

Asahi said nothing to him as he sulked in his own way. He got out a sketchbook from his bag, along with a pencil and eraser. His eyes glanced back to the empty seat where Jihoon sat, the image of him drinking milkshake came to his mind and he started sketching him.


Jihoon breathed in the fresh air of the spring wind. He walked himself back into the same park filled with thousands of thriving cherry blossom trees. He started taking photos again, he even took photos of himself with his camera. Jihoon had been walking for a while and finally he ended up at a familiar spot. He recognized the lonely cherry tree by the grassy green ground with the beautiful view of the vast blue lake in front of him.

He stood there as the memory played through his head. He remembered Hyunsuk, how he was kissed by him. An unconscious blush spread across his face when he thinks of that memory. It was supposed to anger him yet he blushed like a teenage girl in love with her highschool crush.

Then, Jihoon remembered last night. He remembered how Hyunsuk wasn't his and could never be his. He shook his head to rid the cursed thoughts from his head.

He turned to leave that place and walked away. But from the corner of his eye he saw a color of blonde that quickly reminded him of someone.


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