Jealousy turned to sadness

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*beatstar was swimming around, looking for alberto*

Beatstar: Alberto! where are y- *sees alberto talking to a sea monster girl*

Beatstar (thinking):...Who the frick does this girl think she is? I WILL END HER

*Beatstar climbed onto a rock and peeked above watching alberto and the girl like a HAWK*

Beatstar (whispering): I swear to frick if she kisses him i will rip out her limbs and stuff them down her throat for flirting with my man

*eventually beatstar started feeling a bit sad, that sea monster girl was a lot more prettier than she was then she swam away and went into a little cave and laid down in sadness*

Beatstar: Doesn't alberto find me adorable? aren't I his angel?

Alberto: Princess?

*beatstar looked up and sees alberto looking at her worriedly*

Alberto: What's the matter?

Beatstar: Al? am i not cute anymore?

Alberto: What? no! You're the most precious thing in the world...why would you ask me that?

Beatstar: Because...i saw you talking to some other girl and she looked so much prettier than me and i thought you...were in love with her

Alberto: *gently lifts her chin* Princess come on, i love YOU nobody else, are you upset because you think i don't find you adorable anymore?

Beatstar: Mhm...

Alberto: *holds beatstar close and rubs her back* Oh princess, i hate seeing you putting yourself down like this, but you don't have to be sad, i'm not gonna leave you, not now, not ever

Beatstar: You promise you won't leave me? *eyes twinkle*

Alberto: *smirks softly and kisses her forehead* I promise

Beatstar: *smiles softly and snuggles against alberto* Thank you 'berto

Alberto: Anytime my princess...

Beatstar:...But if that girl does flirt with you I WILL kill her

Alberto: *chuckles* Cool it cutie

(based on an idea my bestie FlowerBlossom_Broppy gave me while we were chatting X3)

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