Chapter 1 - Flabber Gassed

Start from the beginning

When Henry didn't meet her eyes, she turned to her boss. "And you," she pointed. "You might be indestructible but you're not immune to pain. You have to be more careful in these situations, even more so that you have a sidekick who is just as cocky as you right now."

Henry and Ray both didn't make any eye contact with her. Charlotte thought that her words had gotten through to them until Ray turned to Henry and said, "We're being lectured again."

"I know right?" Henry laughed with his boss, causing Charlotte to roll her eyes and placed her hands on her hips. Seeing the look, Henry quickly quieted down and cleared his throat. "Sorry. Char, don't worry. We'll be more careful next time."

She raised her eyebrows.

"I promise."

The firmness in his voice made Charlotte feel secure. She hadn't realised that while she was lecturing them, she was actually letting out some of the fears she's been having. For nearly 4 years of the crime fighting job she had no one to confide to, so it felt like a weight was lifted off her chest. She got to express what she was feeling without them knowing it. She didn't know what she would do if they were seriously injured, she hoped she wouldn't have to find out. Especially if it was her best friend.

"Alright, Charlotte, help me get those two up," Schowz came jogging over to where the duffel bags filled with idiots were.

"Rather not," Charlotte said.

"What?" Schowz look at her. "Why?"

"They're dirty and they stink."

"Hey!" Ray and Henry complained simultaneously.

"It's not like we can move our body so we can go take a shower, Charlotte," Ray continued.

"You can move your mouths."

"So?" Henry asked.

Charlotte rolled her eyes and groaned. "So, you guys can chew some gum and get cleaned faster than taking a shower."

The two heroes looked at one another as realisation dawned on them and they started muttering words of agreement.

"Char, I need you to reach into my pocket, grab my tube and pop a gum in my mouth," Henry instructed.

"But, I do-"

"Char, just do it."

Charlotte stuck her tongue at to him. She took a deep breath in, holding it, before making her way to Henry.


After Henry and Ray popped their gums, Schowz did his best lifting Ray up by himself while Jasper and Charlotte helped their blonde friend. He may not be able to move his body, but he could still feel things. Like how Charlotte's touch sent a spark from where her hand rested on his arm. He couldn't deny the feeling in his chest that came with it.

He couldn't comprehend his feelings lately. Whenever he was with her, he felt things that he shouldn't feel, thought of a future that he never saw before. He had never thought of that about her before. It confused and scared him. Charlotte was his best friend for who knows how long. If he felt things that meant something else, he was risking his friendship that he didn't want to ruin. That would mean losing her.

The three of them made Henry and Ray stand in the middle of the Man Cave. Schowz installed the new suits on them, with a lot of difficulty and complaints, and explained how it worked with Charlotte and Jasper's suits. He didn't bother going into details saying that Charlotte would be the only one smart enough to understand. She gave Henry a wink at that and the butterflies in his stomach got out of the cage. He hoped that the mask covered his blush.

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