Chishiya: A Kiss to Remember

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Chishiya remained standing there for what felt like hours, contemplating the reality of the situation

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Chishiya remained standing there for what felt like hours, contemplating the reality of the situation. Niragi had killed you, to save himself. And the bastard couldn't care less. You were ten times the person he was, and he had used you as a human shield. Chishiya felt a range of emotion, sadness that you were gone, rage toward the man who had killed you and regret...for not telling you how he felt for you. It was too late now. You were gone...

With sadness in his heart, Chishiya turned and walked back inside. There was no use in waiting, he didn't want to see your body when it arrived. He wanted to remember you the way you were. Bright and Happy. He needed a drink.

It was late when you arrived back at the beach, you could see the sun beginning to rise over the horizon. Cursing Niragi for outing you on clean-up duty. You had been driving around Tokyo collecting bodies, some to be cremated and some for Ann to experiment on. It was disgusting work, but you didn't want to refuse Niragi's order after watching him push people into the roaring flames that came with your game earlier that night. You hated the man, but you weren't stupid. Pulling up at the beach, you quickly said hello to the people who were waiting to collect the bodies before heading inside. After all the bodied you had collected a drink would be most welcome.

When you entered the bar, you found Kuina. Her head resting atop her folded arms, leaning over the bar. Half a bottle of bear still grasped in her hand. You giggled, gently shaking the girl awake. 'Kuina," You whispered. "Time to get up Hun..." Kuina groaned swatting your hands away.

"Five more minutes Mum." She grumbled. "Y/n's dead...the least you can do is let me sleep." That stopped you, why in the world did Kuina think you were dead?

"Kuina, it's me Y/N" you stated, shaking her again. Kuina slowly opened her eyes, peering up at you. It took a moment for her to register what she was looking at but when she did, she sprung up from her seat and engulfed you in a hug.

"Y/N!" she cried. "You're alive!"

"Of course, I am..." You chuckled. "Niragi out me on clean up duty, I only just got back." Kuina slowly pulled away from you eyeing you up and down for injuries.

"Chishiya said, Niragi told him you were dead." She explained. "I think it was the first time I've seen him get drunk." Niragi had told Chishiya you were dead? You knew Niragi was an asshole but to stoop this low...

"Hey Kuina, where is Chishiya now?" you had to make sure he was okay.

Kuina thought for a moment before answering. "I think he's in his room...if not he's up on the roof."

"Ok thanks." You said turning to walk out of the bar. "Oh Kuina," You called, turning back. "Go to bed, you'll hurt your back otherwise."

"Always so caring." Kuina smiled. "Ok...I'll see you in the morning, look after our boy."

"I will..." You smiled heading up toward where Chishiya's bedroom was. The walk was quiet, as most of the residents of the Beach were asleep or passed out somewhere. You passed a few people slumped on the floor, having passed out before making it to their room. You walked past a woman who quietly scurried out from one of the rooms, no doubt doing a walk of shame. It didn't take long to get to Chishiya's room, softly knocking on his bedroom door. You know that the locks didn't work, but you still wanted to respect his privacy.

"Chishiya?" you called softy, "Are you in there?" you asked. However, no response came. "Chi?" you tried again, this time using the nickname you had given him. When yet again, no response was given you slowly opened the door to peer inside. What you saw shocked you, the room was an absolute mess, sheets strewn about, windows smashed and broken glass crunching under your feet. You were suddenly happy to be wearing shoes. The ceiling light was flickering so intensely that you had to switch it off to retain sight. "Chishiya?" you whispered walking further into the wrecked room, it reeked of alcohol. You found Chishiya passed out on the floor, encircled by a mess of class and torn fabric curled in on himself. It was a pitiful sight. Softy you knelt beside him, ignoring the glass now cutting into your knees, delicately shaking the white-haired man. "Chishiya, wake up..." you whispered leaning down to make sure he was in fact, still breathing. You where happy to know that he was.

Chishiya groaned, opening his sore eyes, he could hear someone calling his name, they were touching one should be in his room. With a sharp intake of breath Chishiya pushed himself from the floor swatting his hand at whoever had touched him. Stopping in his tracks when his eyes landed on the one person, he least expected to see. "Y/N?" he gaped at her, shocked.

"Hey Chi..." you waved at him subtly. "Did you make this me-ghf" The air was knocked from you from the force of his embrace, falling backward onto to floor.

"I thought you were dead." He mumbled, squeezing you tighter.

"I'm about to be..." you mumbled, his hold on you was so tight that you were struggling to breath. He quickly pulled away, apologising. "Kuina told me what Niragi told you..." You spoke. "As you can see, I'm not dead...did you make this mess?"

"I was angry...and drunk."

"That very unlike you."

"Well, I thought you were fucking dead!" he snapped, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have believed him...but I wouldn't put it past him to kill you."

You scoffed, "Please I could take him, I'm strong." You babbled on about how the game really went, telling Chishiya how Niragi nearly cried because he was so scared. He listened to you babble, admiring your features, enjoying your company. He had been so angry when Niragi told him of your "death".

He couldn't help it, you looked so cute sitting on his bedroom floor, surrounded by the mess he had made, talking about anything and everything just to make him feel better. And he was so happy that you were without thinking he kissed you. Deeply and passionately, you responded quickly kissing him back, moaning into his mouth. You had dreamed of this for so long and it was finally happening, little did you know he had been dreaming of it too.

The kiss slowly transformed into a night of passion neither of you would ever forget. You vowed to protect each other, love each other, and do whatever it took to get out of the Borderlands.

Chishiya had never been so happy to know you had survived a game, and he new one thing for certain. He would never take you for granted.

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