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The glittering moonlight reflected through the treeline, its silverlight outlining the three figures trudging through the dark wilderness. The silence was broken by a male's voice screaming at a young child.

    "Move it brat!" He screamed, anger reflecting off his blue eyes as he glared at his daughter.

    "Father please!" The small girl cried, trying to tug her arm away from his steel-like grip.

    "You're hurting me!" She pleaded once more. Tears falling down her tan face, dampening her silver-blue dress.

    A sharp tug could be felt on the man's left sleeve, he turned and saw his wife's tearful amber eyes. Altho she spoke no words, her eyes screamed a thousand.

    "She is no use to us or the tribe." He spoke calmly, trying his best to tame his partner's worries.

    "I'll be useful, father! I promise not to be a burden. Just please don't hurt me!" The child begged, still trying to pull her arm away from her attackers' grip.

    As the little girl continued begging. Her parents only looked at each other with sorrow lacing their eyes. They both knew what to do, no other child with the star marking has been born. Their daughter was as useless to them as a dried upstream was to fish. Altho it saddens both of them that their child's life would come to an end so soon. All they can do now is make her death as painless as possible and hope that the Shivering Spirits find her body.

    The frail woman grabbed her child's shoulders and pulled her in for one final goodbye. Her father quickly and quietly made his way behind his daughter and raised his spear. As she held her daughter one last time she leaned into her ear and whispered the last words she'll ever hear.

    "I love you Alie. I pray that you'll be happy in the temple of light."

    She could feel her daughter still. Most likely from the knowledge that she will soon No longer exist. She felt her head move towards her and as she looked into her child's eyes for one last time, she expected to see fear or love. But the last thing she thought she see in her daughter's ruby eyes was hatred. She leaned into her mother's ear and whispered something she could barely make out. The spear struck her heart before she could even comprehend what her daughter said, forcing her mother to hear her only child's last breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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