I wandered aimlessly around the 7/11 before deciding on a slush, some Reese's cups, and a big bag of Doritos. Nancy had decided what she wanted ages ago, and she was just wandering the aisles at this point, a slush in her hand. "Okay," I breathed. "You ready?" Nancy asked. I nodded, so we went to the counter to pay.

After we got our snacks and ourselves into the car, I turned to Nancy. "What flavor slush did you get?" She took a sip and held her cup up, then responded "cherry." Oh my god. "I got blue raspberry," I laughed. Nancy smiled and nodded, then pulled out of the gas station.

The ride to the Wheeler's house wasn't particularly eventful; just mindless chatter about anything and everything. We talked about music (again), tv shows, food, high school memories, etc. As we pulled into Nancy's driveway, I realized that I didn't have anything to stay the night in, but Nance said I could borrow her clothes need be. We hauled all of our loot from 7/11 into her house, then plopped down on the couch. "Ugh, all our channels suck," Nancy whined as she clicked through the TV channels. Oh she's gonna love me for this. "I have a couple tapes in my bag!" I said, reaching for my bag. "Oh," Nancy rubbed her hands together, "whatcha got?" I held up either option in my hands: Doctor Zhivago and Footloose. "Hm... I liked Footloose, but I've never seen Doctor Zhivago..." Nancy debated. While I waited for her to decide, I took a sip of my slush. She looks adorable when she thinks. The way she sticks out her lip and frowns slightly. "Let's do Doctor Zhivago." "Yes!" I exclaimed, pumping my fist. "You're gonna love it. It's one of my all-time favorites."

I was completely wrong about her loving it. About 45 minutes into the movie, I felt an added weight to my shoulder, and I look over to see Nancy had fallen asleep on me. Shit, shit, shit. What do I do? If I stay here, she'll think I LIKE LIKE her, but if I move I'll wake her up... "Nance," I whispered. I placed my hand on her knee and gently shook it. "Nancy." She slowly opened her eyes and yawned, then looked up at me. I raised an eyebrow and she sat up, stretching her arms towards the ceiling. "Sorry, I haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately," she said softly. "It's cool, we can go to bed, if you'd like," I said. She yawned once more, then nodded her head slowly. "Okay," I said, getting off the couch. I turned to wait for Nancy, but all she did was stick her arms out. "Nance, what-" "Carry me," she whined jokingly. "Seriously, Wheeler?" I laughed. She squeezed her hands and stuck out her lip. "Alright," I shrugged. I knelt down to the ground, and scooped her up into my arms. "Ah!" she screamed. "I didn't think you'd actually do it!" she squealed as I carried her up the stairs to her bedroom. "I never back down from a challenge, and besides," I bragged, gently placing her onto her linen bed sheets, "you weigh like nothing." She chuckled briefly before patting the bed next to me as a signal for me to sit down, which I took gladly.


"So, Robin, what's your type?" I asked. "That was... random," she said. It really was... way to be smooth, Nancy. "I like the kind of people that enjoy life, the kind of people that want to pet every dog they see," she started. "That's adorable," I commented. "I'm serious!" "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Continue." "I also tend to fall for people out of my league... I mean, everyone is out of my league, but still." "Robin," I said, placing my hand on her shoulder. "You know that's not true. You deserve love." "WE deserve love," I whispered. Shit, I said that out loud. "What?" she said. I took a deep breath, then moved my body to face Robin. I took her hand in mine and rubbed my thumb across the surface of Robin's. "I like you, Robin. I like talking to you, I like being around you..." I looked down at my hands and let go of hers. "I like you. A lot."I can't believe I just did that... "Wait, Nance. Are you implying what you think you are?" Robin asked hesitantly. I looked back up at her. "What do you think I'm implying?" Please god, let her get the hint! "That you... like me?" I took a deep breath, and nodded. I felt tears welling up in my eyes, but as far as I was aware, none had fallen... yet. "Woah, Woah Nance," Robin said, perking up. "Don't cry, it's okay!" "It's not though..." I said quietly. "It's been drilled into my since I was young that I HAD to like boys. I had to or people would hate me. I mean, I have liked boys before. I loved Steve and Johnathan. But, now I've got some new feelings... it's all so confusing." Robin frowned slightly, then took my hand into her's again. "It's okay, Nancy, really. These feelings are new, and you don't know how to deal with them yet. I get it, I was like that too. It took me years to come to terms with it," Robin said softly. "Hell, I'm STILL figuring myself out. But we can go through this together," she looked into my eyes. "If that's what you want." I took a deep breath, then leaned forward. Oh my god, this isn't happening. Right before we collided, I pulled back. "Is... is this okay? I'm sorry, I didn't want to do it without asking first, and if you don't want to, please tell me because if I kiss you and you don't want to I'll never live it down, and-" I was cut off by Robin pressing her lips gently to mine. I felt myself melt into her touch; my jaw unclenched, my shoulders dropped. I cupped the back of Robin's neck with my hands, and Robin put her hand on my cheek. Holy shit, I'm kissing a girl... I'm kissing Robin Buckley. When we pulled away, it was silent. The air felt different, the atmosphere had changed. We didn't move for a few more seconds; we just sat there, looking into each other's eyes. Her piercing yet comforting blue eyes stared back into mine, and I realized. I kissed Robin Buckley. I chuckled breathily before embracing Robin into a deep hug. She wrapped me into her arms, and I placed my chin in the crook of her neck. Before all of this mess with the Russians and the Upside Down, I never would have thought I'd be kissing this rando from Steve's history class. Hell, I never would've thought I'd be kissing a girl, let alone someone that WASN'T Steve. "I love you, Robin." I whispered. Robin pulled back for a moment and smiled sweetly. "I love you too." "Now wake up." Wake up? What? Oh god, is this all a dream?" Clearly, Robin could see the panic in my eyes, because she immediately apologized. "I'm joking, I'm joking!" I punched her shoulder and frowned. "What the heck, dude? Not cool!" Robin broke out into laughter, so much so that she was gripping her stomach. "That was mean, but you're adorable, so I'll let it slide," I said with my arms crossed. "Whatever, you love me," she laughed. Well, she really got me there. "Yeah, you're right. I do."

Yay, Ronance! I've been obsessed with these two lately and have been reading a lot about them so I figured why not make my own?
This was actually really hard to right because I changed the plot 30,000 times.
Anyway yeah, happy reading!
- Sofa <3
P.S i hope you enjoyed the Nancy gay panic :)

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