I make my way to the bathroom as he gets his underclothes gathered onto the dresser in-front of him. I place my clothes on a counter and I undress quickly tossing my clothes into a corner by the wall. I step inside of the shower and turn the left knob to let the warm water pour down onto my body. I stand still enjoying the hot sensation shooting down onto my body before reaching for a cloth and soap, but before I could a set of cold hands grab me by my waist making me shiver as I look down to see the long pale hands with black fingernails placed onto my waist, it was Vox. A blush forms onto my face as I feel the demon rest his chin on my shoulder. "Has not inviting me to your showers become a habit now, Sho?" I feel my cheeks flush even more at his words. A mischievous grin spreads onto my face before I reply. "No, you just move too slow, Old Man." I laugh at my choice of words but Vox is still. "Now Shoto, you know if I wanted to, I could wreck you in an instant, what we do in bed is hardly compared to my complete ability." The demon says as he slides his hand further down my abdomen making me shudder just by the slightest. I quickly swat his hand away with a glare set in my expression. "Don't. Think. About. It." I say to him and he does as told. We finally begin to wash ourselves and as time goes by and we get dressed to head downstairs.

Vox POV:
"So, any plans for breakfast this morning, wanna go out?" I ask Shoto and not even seconds later he replies. "Hmm~ As much as I prefer your cooking over any restaurant, I'd rather be able to admire my hot boyfriend's face while we wait to be served." His choice in words made me chuckle. "Well then, anything for you beautiful." I said right before leaning in to give his hand a slight peck which made his face turn a slight red. I walk over to put my shoes on, grabbing a coat off of the rack and slide my arms into the sleeves. The boy follows behind me to get his shoes and as he ties then I ask. "Aren't you gonna get a coat just in case?" I question and he almost immediately replied. "No, if I'm cold I'll have you to warm me up." I laughed a bit before replying. "I feel like I have you wayy too spoiled." I tell him and he shoots back at me. "I know, but I love it." I let out a playful sigh and I turn back to grab my keys back and unlock the front door. I step out the door frame and Shoto trails behind me. I close and lock the front door as he walks to my car parked in the driveway. He sits in the passenger seat and as I walk to the car to sit in the driver's. I close the doors to the car and press on the break pedal with my foot and put it in gear. The car starts and I pull out of the driveway slowly. "Anywhere you wanna go this morning." I ask the boy and he quickly replies. "How about IHOP?" He looks up to me with those bright amethyst eyes of his. "I'm fine with whatever you'd like." I place one of my hands on top of his smaller one. We sit in the car and talk for a few minutes before reaching the town the restaurant was located. I make a few turns and stop right pulling into the restaurant's parking lot. Since no cars are passing I pull in to look for a place to park a spot. The place was packed so it took a while to find one but we got lucky and I pulled into the park between two other vehicles. We step out of the car and walk into the building already able to smell the aroma of what anyone would call "Breakfast".

Shoto POV:
As we walk in line waiting to be seated I could hear music playing in the background. It sounded familiar and then it hit me, It was Fly Me To The Moon By Frank Sinatra. I quickly reccognized it because Vox told me how it was his favorite a few times in the past. I look back over at him to see if he noticed the song, but he was occupied with one of the staff getting our seat arrangements. "Right this way young men." The female waiter who looked to be atleast in her late 30's said as she walked us to our booth. She places two menus and silverware wrapped inside a white cloth in front of us. "What beverage could I get for you?" She looks over at Vox as he looks down onto his menu. "I'll take a hot tea please." Vox says and the waitress pulls out a notepad and a pen and quickly writes his order down. "Ok! And for you sir?" She looks over at me and I snap out of thought and quickly reply. "Uh- I'll take what he had." "Okay! I'll be back with your drinks in a few." The lady says right before walking away from our table and instantly blending in with the rest of the staff. I watch Vox flip his menu to side to look at the food choices and I do the same. I look at the pancake section and one catches my eyes pretty quickly. It was the New York cheesecake pancakes. It had strawberry syrup and strawberries topped with a bit of whipped crème on top of all four pancakes and it looked pretty promising. "Anything caught your eye?" Vox says looking up from his menu to focus on me. "Yeah, the New York cheesecake pancakes look pretty good, how about you?" I ask him and he clicked his tongue. "Hmm I think I'll go with the Big Steak Omelette." He says while closing the menu. Wit sit and talk for a few minutes before I see the waitress in the corner of my eye. I turn to see her walking closer to our table with two mugs. She places both of the mugs infront of us, and pulls the notepad she used earlier out again. "What could I get for you men today?" She asks while looking over at me. "Uhm I'll take the New York cheesecake pancakes with eggs and bacon. I tell the waitress and she writes my order down. "Alrightt, and for you? She turns to face Vox and adjusts the pen in her hand. "I'll have the Big Steak Omelette." Vox says while the waitress jots down his order too. "Is that all?" The waitress asked and we both nod. "Okay, your food will be here soon." The waitress says before turning around to head to the back. "There's a new movie out in the theaters, I believe it was called The Black Phone." Vox says pulling his phone out to probably to search the movie. "Well what's it about?" I ask him and he scrolls down to look at the movie description. "Hmm it says. Finney Shaw is a shy but clever 13-year-old boy who's being held in a soundproof basement by a sadistic, masked killer. When a disconnected phone on the wall starts to ring, he soon discovers that he can hear the voices of the murderer's previous victims -- and they are dead set on making sure that what happened to them doesn't happen to Finney." He reads the description and seems like someone pretty good. "It sounds promising." I shrug my shoulders as I pick up my tea to drink it.

Vox POV:
Around 30 minutes go by and finally the waitress comes back with a tray and 3 plates. She places My plate infront of me and not long after she places Shoto's infront of him. We both thank the waitress and she nods her head with a bright smile on her face. "I'll get back to you gentlemen shortly, let me know if anything is needed." I nod my head as an ok and she takes the empty tray and vanishes into the packed restaurant. I take a fork and a knife out of the cloth and cut into my omelette. Shoto already had his for and knife waiting to dig into his food, and before I knew it he was already chewing on a piece of his pancake. I could tell he enjoyed every bite because his eyes almost lit with stars. "Enjoying yourself?" I ask the boy and he instantly replies. "Mhm! Ish reawy gud!" Shoto says, but the sound of his words muffle from the food. His actions make me laugh and I will say, I find it quite cute. I begin to eat my omelette while having a few conversations every few minutes and not too long after, the waitress places the bill onto the table. And I reach into my wallet to grab my card to pay for the meal, but before I could show toe stops me. "I can pay with mine, you do a lot for me already." He says interlocking his eyes with mine. "It's fine. It is my duty to spoil my baby rotten." I say with a sly grin forming onto my face. "Hmm, okay..." Shoto replies still unsure of my actions. "You do know there are multiple ways you can make it up to me darling~." I wink at him instantly making him catch onto my words that fill his face with blush. The waitress walks back over to our table and takes the card and walks off into the crowd once more. 3 minutes pass and I notice her coming back to our table with the black card in her hand. "Here you go sir." She says as she hands me my card. "Did everything live up to your expectations?" The waitress asks and I reply. "Yes ma'am, everything was quite pleasant this morning ." A slight smile spreads onto her face and she bends over as a thank you. "I'll let you two go now, come again!" She says before disappearing into the restaurant. I stand up to take Shoto's hand and we intertwine our hands and walk to the exit of the building that follows to the parking lot. I unlock the car doors and Shoto steps inside closing the door behind him and I do the same. "Anything else you wanna do today before we go to the theater?" I ask the boy, but he doesn't reply right away. "Hmm.. How about we go to the mall!" He suggests whilst looking up with those irresistible puppy dog eyes. "So~ You do enjoy spending Daddy's money." I shoot back at him with a smug look plastered onto my face. "Alright then, let's go to the mall."

2316 WORDS *LE SIGH* FINALLY FINISHED I've been on twitter sm trying to gain Motiv bc I literally thought I was going to explode if I didn't finish it today 😮‍💨 BUT ITS FINALLY HERE! Also I wanted to let you guys know I'm gonna make a Chapter 3.5 bc I was gonna rage quit over the fact chapter 3 was already at 1000 words and they hadn't even had breakfast yet 😓 but as an apology for the long wait, brace yourselves for chapter 4. 😈❤️💜

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