Reunion of the ancients - part 2

Comincia dall'inizio

Prince Dark Choco: "N-no wait! I didn't mean any of it! Please forgive meeeeeee!"


Hollyberry, Pure Vanilla, and Golden cheese are already helping Dark Cacao. Although, it's not going so well for the first 10 minutes. Each time Dark Cacao made a wrong face, golden cheese would just throw a snowball at him every time.

Pure Vanilla: "Okay, let's try this again, pretend Hollyberry cookie as Peanut Butter Cookie. He waves back with a smile, now do the same."

Hollyberry was smiling and waving, Dark Cacao did the same but the smile was faltering, thus leading to golden cheese throwing another snowball at him… again. His face was getting pretty cold from the snowballs. At this point, Dark Cacao was getting a bit pissed since of course this being Golden Cheese Cookie would definitely do it on purpose too. So far she hasn't… yet.

Golden Cheese: "I'm bored, maybe we can try something else? Why not just simply all of us play with peanut butter cookie?"

Dark Cacao: "Can it not be-"

Golden cheese already tagged Dark Cacao immediately, so of course, this was the one game he didn't want to do in the first place.

Pure Vanilla: "We will catch up on it later, I'm starting to wonder why White lily cookie is taking so long."

Dark Cacao: "Fine, I shall… atleast try to find Golden Cheese."

Hollyberry: "I shall 'tag' along as well Dark Cacao!"

Dark Cacao sighed at that intentional pun...

-back at Dark Choco's room-

Yup, white lily is still passed out, Peanut butter was looking inside a box for a specific candle that emits a very pleasant aroma. An aroma that sometimes Dark Choco would leave for peanut butter to wake up when he has to do his princely duties early. Peanut butter couldn't remember the candle since by the time he wakes up, it was already ¾'s melted. Oh well, might as well put the sense of smell to the test. (Do cookies even have noses??? XD) Dark Choco already knew what kind of candle he was looking for but they might have run out of the specific candle…

There was a knock on the door.

Pure Vanilla: "Hello? Is white lily still in there?"

Uh oh, that sounded like pure vanilla!

Prince Dark Choco: "Come in! We might need some help, Pure Vanilla Cookie!"

He came in, his hat looked very much like an upside down ice cream cone, and the clothes had the same style as well. His hair was in a pigtail-like style, it must be very long like Dark Choco and Dark Cacao's hair. His forehead had a star looking symbol and his eyes were a beautiful light blue and heavenly yellow. His smile was precious like his voice as well.

Pure Vanilla: "Oh dear, it seems like white Lily has passed out from over affection again."

Peanut Butter: "I didn't mean it! She was just so nice!"

Pure Vanilla: "Do not worry, this happens all the time."

Prince Dark Choco: "All the time? You mean with little cookies right?"

Pure Vanilla: "That and of course, one more thing as well."

Pure Vanilla gets close to where white lily cookie is laying on the bed, he leans his head and kisses her forehead. However, before Peanut Butter witnessed it, Dark Choco blocked the view to prevent it from ruining peanut butter's innocent childhood…. Yes, even of It's a smooch on the head.

White lily: "Ngh… what happened?"

Pure Vanilla: "You passed out from affection again white lily Cookie."

White lily blushes at the sight of Pure Vanilla being so close!

Prince Dark Choco: " A-anyways, how is my father with the others?"

Pure Vanilla smiles embarrassingly

Pure Vanilla: "Uhm…. Playing tag with golden cheese???"

Oh no… Dark Choco knows where this is going.

Prince Dark Choco: "I need to find my father before another my father scares young cookies accidentally… again…"

Pure Vanilla: "Well, it's not gonna be easy finding them having the castle so big. Especially Golden cheese, she could literally be anywhere."

Peanut Butter Cookie apparently left while the three were chatting and is already looking for the two of them. Sure, Dark Cacao isn't exactly full of… Happiness and joy like Dark Choco, but he was still family regardless. However, this time, Peanut Butter will do the scaring this time. But first, finding Golden Cheese, he wanted to know how she looked like!

Golden Cheese of course was hiding in a spot where no one even bothers to look, because of course, it's literally a spot not even Dark Cacao goes to since it's irrelevant to him… the pantry!
Especially considering the fact that Dark Cacao isn't the type to eat sweets too, so it's double effective.

"Once again, I have won this round against Dark Cacao Cookie!", Golden Cheese thought.

Fate said otherwise since the doorknob started turning. This made Golden Cheese panic a bit mentally. No one knows about their game of tag, not even the prince or his adopted son. She doesn't even know how… What's-his-name looked like. Welp if it is him, that's perfectly fine! If it's Dark Cacao however, it seems like her winning streak is over.

The door was opening slowly and dramatically.



She was expecting a towering furious figure, not a small and smiling cookie.

Peanut Butter: "Golden… Cheese cookie?"

To be continued (2/?)

Story by @WindLink64

Cookie run belongs to Devsisters

The dark prince's new leafDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora