Chapter Ten: An Olive Branch

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She couldn’t help it. She laughed.

It was impossible to contain the laughter bubbling up her throat - somewhat manic, she could not muster a better response to Voldemort’s question.

Join the Death Eaters?

Did he really think she would betray everything she’s ever stood for, all because he asked nicely?

“No bloody way,” Anna finally answered, once she had regained her bearings. “If you think you can get me to join your little squad because of a few tricks, you’ve got a long way to go.”

Not that what he hadn’t said was interesting. She would certainly be looking into using her anger as fuel for her magic, though most definitely not by his teaching.

“Foolish girl,” Lucius hissed, his lips drawn into an unpleasant scowl. “Do you have any idea what you are turning down? Even someone of your poor status should know how much of an honor it is to not only be summoned by the Dark Lord, but to become a member of his ranks.”

“And do you think of me so low as to betray my own friends - my own family?”

Despite the uncertainties of her relationships with them, she knew for a fact that she would protect them until the bitter end.

“I’m nothing like you.” Anna sneered, thinking about how Lucius Malfoy would do anything to save himself, regardless of the people he hurt. “You disgust me.”

Voldemort tsked. “Now, now. Let’s not be unkind.”

His dark eyes met hers, and his mouth slid into a cruel smirk. “How much do you know about the Death Eater initiation?”

She leveled him with a glare of her own. “I know enough to know that you’re so desperate for new members, you’ve resorted to recruiting teenagers.”

Anna thought of Draco, all alone. Forced to become something he never wanted in the first place - forced to do many cruel things, all in the name of pleasing his bastard father.

“You see, my Death Eater’s tattoos aren’t placed on their wrists by a wand, or even a needle.” Voldemort continued, as if she had not spoken at all. “They are placed there by a mere touch. Yet they do not develop completely unless the wearer is suitable to be in my company.”

“I don’t understand.” She gritted out.

Anna remembered the dark, inky skull against Draco’s pale skin. The horror in her gut as she had pulled up his sleeve.

Was he trying to tell her Draco wasn’t the person she thought he was? That he was just as evil as any other Death Eater?

Though she realized Voldemort was manipulative, for him to know about her long-lived crush and use him to get under her skin seemed to be a bit much.

Voldemort’s smile seemed to slowly become more sinister.

“Have you noticed any marks on your wrists?”

About to come back with a retort, she opened her mouth angrily, when her throat went dry, and she felt her stomach sink.

No. No, no, no.

But she had noticed a mark on her wrist. Though she had assumed it to be a rash, and nothing more.

Yet it meant so much more than she ever could have realized.

The mark that had slowly been turning uglier and uglier over the school year, the one that forced her to wear long sleeves even on warm days.

The cackles from the others rang in her ears, yet she noticed out of the corner of her eye that her Slytherin companions did not laugh with them.

“During the fight at the Ministry, I managed to put a finger on your arm.” Voldemort said, demonstrating his index finger. “Not much, but it was enough to infect you with my mark.”

“Truly, your initiation has already begun.”

No.” She stood, ignoring watchful eyes as she stomped towards him, shaking her arm in his face. “I don’t want it. Get it off. Now.”

“It can’t be removed.” His eyes glittered with joy. “It’s a tattoo, remember? Not even a spell could erase it. It’s going to be there forever. Branding you, a Potter, as one of my own. Though I had so wished to have you join my ranks, and for my mark to become even more permanent.”

The entire room erupted in laughter, and Anna’s eyes burned as she held her breath and stormed away - biting down hard on her tongue.

Don’t cry. Don’t you dare cry. She told herself, over and over again. Don’t you dare look weak - especially in front of them.

You’re helpless.

When she had made it out of the manor, Anna finally allowed herself to scream in frustration - clutching her sides painfully tight as the tears began to roll down her cheeks.

The worst part was, she was truly alone.

She couldn’t talk to Ginny, or Harry, or Draco. Not about this, not when they were already angry with her.

Merlin. Was it even possible to go on?

“Anna.” A soft voice intruded on her thoughts, and she scurried back from the source of the voice - head snapping up and everything on high alert.

Narcissa. She recognized immediately.

“What are you here for? To see me cry?” Anna bit out, wiping at her eyes, cheeks flushed. “I hope you got what you came for.”

“No. That’s not quite it.” Narcissa shifted her feet awkwardly, biting down on her lip. “I came to give you this.” She held multiple books in her arms.

Anna’s eyes widened as they took in the titles. “H-how-”

“The girls told you I was in possession of them, didn’t they?” She wore a wry smile. “I’ve never been able to learn what was inside of them, but I hope they can be of use to you.”

She knew she should be grateful, and race to the portkey from whence she had come. Yet, she couldn’t wrap her head around it.

“I don’t understand. Why would you do this?”

Why would you give me these books - full of forbidden information and spells that could have her potentially arrested? Why would you give me an edge over your husband and everything you stand for?

“Draco.” Narcissa only said. “If you must know, my son…he loves you.”

Her breath fell short.


It was nothing she hadn’t heard before, yet to hear it come out of someone else’s mouth sounded foreign to her.

“And I do not approve of what our Lord has done - to you or to my son. You are children. You do not belong in this world - full of darkness, hatred and death.”

Anna knew Narcissa was extending an olive branch, yet Anna still couldn’t quite believe it.

Please.” She insisted, pressing the spellbooks into her arms. “Take them. Hopefully they will provide you with the strength you need.”

“T-thank you.” Her voice was dry.

Narcissa's lips curved into a slight smile. “Stay alive, if you can.”

And then she was gone.

Ah yes. We have finally gone into what was with the 'rash' on Anna's arm.


Truthfully I have no idea how Voldemort put the Dark Mark tattoos on his Death Eaters in canon, but I thought my version of it would be fun to add to the story ;)

Anyways, I hope u all have an amazing week! Thanks for reading! <3

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