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Boy 1: Woah, she is hot.

Boy 2: Totally.

Boy 3: Who is she?

Boy 1: Should I go to her and--

Felix: I highly don't recommend that.

Devin: If you want to stay alive, don't even think about her.

Boy 1: Why? She is hot and--

Peter: She is my girlfriend, so choose your next words wisely.

Boy 1: Uhm, I got it.

Peter: Good. Everyone go back to work and to the fresh meat: never even look at her for too long.

Wendy: Baby, you're so tragic. Was it necessary?

Peter: How are they gonna know they need to stay away from you if I do not educate them?

Wendy: Like this. *kissing him*

Peter: *smiling on her lips* My beautiful and smart Lost Girl. I can't blame them for finding you stunning

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