chapter 1 meet

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Atolla was mining when she came across the new biome 'Deep Dark' she was excited to finally see the deep dark because she had heard so much about it. She saw the warden and realized that they weren't trying to hurt her unlike they were supposed to. She went up to the warden and started talking to them she found out that they felt bad for hurting people so they didnt. Atolla soon became friends with the warden named river. Atolla and river became very close very fast and Atolla loved teasing river for their hight and how they were so short for a warden. Atolla and river went on adventures together and river helped atolla with her landscaping. The two of them had lots of fun together and ended up even moving in to the same house. They also adopted a cat together and its name was tampon.

(sorry this is very cringe its like 1 am and i cant think of more to do to this chapter)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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