the demon continent

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Eris:"I-it's n-n-nice to m-make your a-acquaintance. I am Eris b-borius Greyrat. How do you do sir.

Accelerator:( she is really acting strange even if he is a superd why is she cowering.)

Ruijerd:" so your name is Eris b-borius Greyrat.

Eris:*stamping her foot*" no it's borius I just stuttered a little."

Accelerator:( so she is back to normal)

Then Eris immediately hid behind Rudy.

Accelerator:( I jinxed it)

Ruijerd:" forgive me I am Ruijerd Superdia."

Rudy:" see he isn't bad"

Eris:"wow my mother is such a liar she said that a superd would eat me if I stayed up too late."

Accelerator:" but I will if you don't shut up already."

Rudy:" come on don't be so grumpy. And Eris is that really why you hid under a blanket."

Eris:" shut up Rudy"

Rudy:" well if you ask I am sure Ruijerd would be your friend."

Eris:" really"

Rudy:" so Ruijerd wat do you say"

Ruijerd:" of course if you like."

Eris:" well of course if you insist I will be your friend."

Accelerator:( wow I am surprised at how fast she just 180ed)

Then the two talked a bit before every one went to sleep.

The next morning every one followed Ruijerd as he said he was leading them to a village but accelerator always kept his guard up. Accelerator also noticed that Ruijerd was a lot more caring and gentle even in the way he talked towards the other two compared to the way he did with him. Accelerator just choked it up to eather age or attitude.

After a while they stopped as Ruijerd told the three to stay put and went away to do something but accelerator thought it was suspicious so he followed him while Rudy and Eris followed accelerator. They found Ruijerd on the corpse of a dead giant snake and when he scolded them.

Ruijerd:" I thought I told you to stay put."

Eris:" how is it that you always know where monsters are."

Ruijerd:" I can see them thanks to the eye in my forehead."

Eris:" that's handy."

Ruijerd:" I have wished many times that I don't have it at all."

Eris:" well I'll take it"

Ruijerd:" I can't do that

Eris:" any way I am sure that if I had a sword I could help you fight."

Rudy": and I could help with the magic I know and accelerator is incredibly strong in both the sword and in magic."

Ruijerd:" don't worry about combat I want you both to stay out of harm's way."

Accelerator:" what is that supposed to mean. You said that you want those two to stay out of harm's way but nothing about me."

Ruijerd:" well you are not a child and according to Rudy you are very strong so you should be fine in combat. So what is your rank.

Accelerator:" well according to my teacher (Ghislain) I am definitely king class if not emperor class in both swords and magic."

Ruijerd:" and what was the rank of this teacher."

Accelerator:" well she was a sword king in sword God style."

Ruijerd:" well then you definitely don't have to be protected by me."

Then they came upon a view of a small village. But at the entrance to the village they were stopped by a guard who did not want the group to enter but Ruijerd managed to get the gard to contact the elder.

The elder arrived and greeted them and Rudy replied in demon god and then they had a conversation in human which was about his old teacher Roxy.

But then another person buted in claiming to have been her father. But it had at least gotten them all into the village.

They were brought to a hut where they talked to the elder about the mana disaster.

Then Eris started to fall asleep so they let her. And then the conversation turned to how they would get home.

Ruijerd:" I will escort them. I refuse to leave them alone."

Elder:" have you thought that threw. You are only so useful."

Ruijerd:" what do you mean buy that. I can protect them. "

Elder:" in the wild yes but you cant enter city's."

Ruijerd:" if they need help then I'd force my way in. Even if I had to kill everyone inside to find them. "

Accelerator:"hahahahuhuhe a touching sentiment but I dont think that it's that hard to sneak someone into a city just die or cut his hair and where a bandana."

Elder:" I know you goal is important to you but you wont be able to accomplish it through violence."

Rudy:"sorry what is his goal."

Elder:" to restore his tribes honour. He wants people to see that the supurd are not the treble monsters they are made out to be."

Rudy:" but isn't it true that the superd turned on their alias during the war."

Ruijerd:" we did not that's a lie. We were victims of the deval laples.

Rudy:" so what happened."

Ruijerd:" he repaid our loyalty with betrayal. He gifted all the superd with new weapons that were cursed and turned the men into mindless killers."

He then tells his sad story.

Rudy:" and maby having a human child on your side would open up some new possibilities so if you let me I will do what ever it takes to help you.

Ruijerd:" thank you."

Accelerator:" thats all well and good but do you have a plan on how we can do that?"

Rudy:" no but that's what you are here for so start coming up with one."

Accelerator:" not a chance. I have my own problems to figure out like how to get back home and how to get money so I can keep you and the brat fed on the journey back."

After that the elder said that they should all get some sleep and so they did.

Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope that you have enjoyed it
I am sorry it took a bit because on Friday I had my last test in the exam and yesterday I was being shown what I would need to do in my summer job which was 10 to 5 so I had no time to write.
Well I hope that you have enjoyed and I hope that I will see you all again soon and thanks again for reading.

(Discontinued) Accelerator in Mushoku Tensei (Jobless Reincarnation)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant